Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ten New Blogs

Paul Clark MP
No Gloss Just Matt - Northern Irish councillor
Leaves on the Line - SNP oreinted blog from Christian Jones
Scot Goes Pop - Another SNP blog
Back Towards the Locus - Left of centre blog
Boothroyd's Blog - David Boothroyd's elections blog
Valley's Boy - Bi lingual, non aligned Welsh blogger
Here Come the Seagulls - SNP blog
Brian Adams MSP - SNP MSP
The Huck - Left of centre

These blogs aren't necessarily newly created, but I haven't known about them before and they had not, until now, appeared in the TP Blog Directory.

Visit the Total Politics Blog Directory which contains more than 1,800 blogs. If you know of one which isn't there, please fill in the Submit a New Blog form on the left hand side of THIS page


  1. Thank you Iain for giving the SNP in Scotland a voice. It can be hard sometimes to get the fact over that Scotland has an alternative to the labour party.

  2. Iain didn't you notice Here Comes the Seaguls hasn't posted for nine months? Thought not.

    I do try with my Subrosa's Super Seven to ensure that the posts are live. Of cours your following is far greater than mine but does that mean a drop in standards? (grin)

  3. My blog is there, but you're got the name wrong -- it's "Amused Cynicism" not "Advanced Cynicism".

  4. Paul Clarke is my local MP - I'll have to make his Blog a regula read.
