Saturday, February 14, 2009

Quote of the Day

“He is so vain that he wants to figure in history as
the settler of all the great questions:
but a Parliamentary constitution is not favourable to such ambitions:
things must be done by parties, not by persons using parties as tools –
especially men without imagination or any inspiring qualities,
or who, rather, offer you duplicity instead of inspiration.”

Disraeli on Peel, 1845

And you thought it was Blair on Brown, didn't you? :)


  1. The degree to which Disraeli was, quite simply, 'the man', cannot be overstated.

  2. Nice quote Iain. but it is a bit rich coming from Disraeli who was one of parliaments greatest egotists. Of course Peel being one of the other greatest ones.

    But you know what they say.

    "It takes one to know one."

    I personally greet the greatest egotist I have ever met, every morning in the mirror.

  3. I thought it was draper on Guido...

  4. Fancy the Tories chosing an egocentric Jewish fop to be their leader! I still can't get over it.

    (OK, he wasn't Jewish, but everyone regarded him in that light.)

  5. Colin (February 14, 2009 8:08 PM) mistakes Disraeli for Draper? I feel quite sick.

  6. Philipa...

    If actually think I mistook draper for `Disraeli, you are sick :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Off topic, but...

    I just listened to Any Answers on iPlayer. Apparently, nobody phoned, texted or emailed the bbc to discuss the Jacqui Smith affair, which was the subject of a question on Any Questions. Instead the show was dominated by callers raging at the criminality of bankers.

    Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist, I'll leave that to Guido, but...

  9. Colin GF does not profess to being a Conservative. I doubt very much he is a Conservative member.

    GF is on a mission, given to him from god knows who, for god knows what exact reason.

    I personally believe he is a witting or otherwise Jesuit agent, on a mission to undermine British parliamentary democracy in general. But then, I am simply a crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist, so who pays any real attention to me?

    I would like however to believe he is just an independently minded old fashioned Libertarian. Time will tell.

    Sorry to get personal, however IMO any one who takes time defending Draper, in even the most subtle and short manner, must be a utter fool.

    Can I sell you some double glazing?

  10. Atlas Shrugged...

    I hope you weren't trying to suggest that I was defending draper?

    If I've given that impression, then it must be as a result of too much Valentine's day Champers.

    Now I feel sick...

  11. I am very sorry. I did misunderstand.

    I shall cancel the appointment for the double glazing sales pitch.

  12. The quote could be applied to Blair just as easily as Brown.

  13. Atlas said: GF is on a mission, given to him from god knows who, for god knows what exact reason.

    I personally believe he is a witting or otherwise Jesuit agent, on a mission to undermine British parliamentary democracy in general. But then, I am simply a crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist, so who pays any real attention to me?

    The British Parliament does not represent democracy any more. It deserves to be undermined, ridiculed, reformed and rebuilt.

    Control has been passed wholesale to the EU and to quangos. Laws are made on the hoof by unelected mandarins. A bunch of those same unelected mandarins chose to instigate Police proceedings against an MP, seemingly without the knowlegde of the Second Home Secretary. The State is in control not The People.

    MPs represent a facade. They are the curtain around the man in the Wizard of Oz. The man behind that curtain should be us but it is not.

    We're not in Kansas any more.
