Monday, February 09, 2009

Papped with Phil Jupitus!

I don't know, there you are, sitting innocently enjoying egg, bacon & chips in Ken's Cafe (yes, I know I shouldn't) outside West Ham football ground and discussing the joys of twittering with one of Britain's leading West Ham supporting comedians (I am the other), and unbeknown to us we get our picture taken. And then someone posts it on Flickr. The cheek of it.

I knew I shouldn't have worn that fleece...


  1. Looks like a scene from one of those hooligan films.....

    To be fair it is a decent pic.

  2. Hands up and don't move..ARMED BASTARDS!

    It's a great photo.

  3. Yer, tasty.
    You look well 'ard Iain.

  4. Yer, tasty.
    You look well 'ard Iain.

  5. Was the Pap using a wide angle lens?

    Why ex-wife used to hang around with Zeppelins as well, just to look thinner. Didn't work. Her arse still had it's own postcode

  6. I could resist this:

    'EllieLevenson - wondering if Derek Draper knows he has a doppelganger - the chef in The Salisbury pub on Green Lanes
    28 minutes ago from web'

    Oh what a lucky chap he is. Bit like being mistaken for Mike Ashley.

  7. You look so much younger than the photograph at the top right of your blog!

    The Penguin

  8. Great chap. I especially liked how he called Lady Thatcher a witch on this weeks QI. NOT!

  9. You will be pleased to know that I took him to task for that.

  10. And what about the comment about people with no hands?? Big laugh.

  11. trevorsden said... And what about the comment about people with no hands?? Big laugh.

    Just pointing out that it was the vile Jo Brand who made that disgusting remark. Why no complaints from the disability charities or human rights organisations like Amnesty?

  12. If you're that partial I hope you've taken note of:

    But you're right, attire and demeanour is all important when dining out, after all one has to have a sense of occasion...

  13. Trevorsden and Doug: here's just the right present for the delightful Jo Brand.

  14. Looking like two former members of the Inter City Firm.
    Very nice fellers, wouldn't squash a fly - unless it was a Spurs supporter.

  15. "I knew I shouldn't have worn that fleece".

    Shouldn't have worn that face...

    Not sure whether it reminds me of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore or Reggie and Ronnie.

  16. I knew I shouldn't have worn that fleece".

    Always dress up when you are going out, and wear clean under wear you never know who you meet.

  17. Have you noticed the photo almost has a mirror plane down the middle?

  18. And then, get this, someone unknown to you, posts it as an item on your blog! How very dare they!

  19. Just to say this was nothing to do with me. Don't even know what twitter is apart from the fact that Stephen Fry uses it when he gets stuck in lifts and in any case I don't take pictures of mates and publish them anywhere without their permission, thank you very much. Oh and my phone doesn't even take photos. Although to judge from the pic the two well 'ard geezers might get a part in Cass Pennant's next flick...
