Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Tweets of Today

  • 08:35 Proud to have made it into a Telegraph editorial today ... for the fact I own 120 Cliff Richard CDs. They are surprised it isn't more. #
  • 09:40 I am about to be a brave little soldier and have my mouth poked about in by someone who wants to hurt me. #
  • 14:02 Just received first copies of March issue of TotalPolitics. Looks fab. A big well done to the team. #
  • 15:52 Am having one of my ideas spurts today. Colleagues are trying to keep up with them spewing out of my mouth. I am now spent. #
  • 16:35 Emptying email Inbox. Discovering some horrors. Only 443 to go... #
  • 18:54 The latest DOWNFALL video starring Dolly Draper. Hilarious. Beware strong language. tinyurl.com/akksty #
  • 21:01 Watching my soundalike (so they tell me) Rick Stein on Who Do You Think You Are. I'd give anything to do that programme! #
If you'd like to follow my live Twitter feed go to http://twitter.com/iaindale and click FOLLOW Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter


  1. As I think I pointed out on an earlier post - it seems the BBC are providing planet destroying 4x4s for their stars to swan around in for this 'meet the ancestors' programme.

    They even flew Stein to Hong Kong.

    The BBC want to send everybody back to the stone age - except them.

  2. You don't want to do "Who do you think you are"

    The idea of you bursting into tears when you discover that you are adopted and you are the grandson of Herbert Morrison is too much to take.

  3. Why do you do this? I mean, put "My Tweets of Today" on your main blog? If we wanted to know what you're Tweeting about, we'd go there to have a look, wouldn't we?

    Anyway, having decided not to have a rant this morning, I am now compelled to reproduce this gem from The Register:

    Twitter is a web-based communications service mostly, but not exclusively, used by people who spend a lot of time on the internet to discuss the internet, to discuss discussion of the internet, and to gossip about celebrities. When not on the internet, Twitter users often evangelise Twitter to other people.

    Despite this typical new media hype pattern, a call of "What's the Twitter angle?" has seemingly become the refrain of incurious news editors worldwide. [What's a Twitter? - Bela Lugosi, Reg News Ed] Any mundane story of marginal interest is thus covered with Twitter sprinkles, transforming it into a tasty zeitgeist-fable for the ages. The above is a prime example of how wily campaigners can turn this appetite to their advantage, creating "news" where there is none.

    The rise of Twitter has also spawned its own tediously familiar class of meta-news ("Humans use communications service to discuss major event shocka", etc, etc, ad nauseum).

    Meanwhile the service itself offers varying degrees of utility and entertainment to its fans, remains incomprehensible to others and irrelevant to the majority. Just like everything else on the web.

  4. Bloody good point, Inspector Morse.
