Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Sunday Newspaper Shame

On Friday I caused a bit of havoc on my Twitter feed by saying this...
Oh dear, looks like I am going to be exposed in a Sunday newspaper for a misdeed of my youth. Gulp. It's all rather embarrassing.

I was inundated with messages on email and via Facebook of the "we'll stand by you" variety. All very touching. The trouble was, it was just my little joke. It referred to a conversation I had just had with Sunday Times journalist Richard Woods who was writing a story on the 25 Random Things About Me meme which has been going round. His article appears in the paper today and you can read it HERE. But this is the relevant extract...

...It was this potential insight into character that lured Iain Dale, a British political blogger, to take part in “25 random things” even though he is wary of internet crazes. “Some of these things that go round the internet are incredibly boring,” he said. “But the way some people have done these lists is really interesting.”

When Dale compiled his own thoughts he admitted at No 13: “As an 11-year-old I fancied Esther Rantzen [the former television presenter] something rotten.” He grew up to be gay. And at No 20, he confessed: “I own more than 120 Cliff Richard CDs.”

Surely that can’t possibly be true. Nobody would buy 120 different Cliff Richard CDs. “Er, well, yes I did,” Dale explained yesterday. “Strangely, I went to see him at the London Palladium in 1978 when he reformed with The Shadows and, um, I’m the sort of person that if I buy an album of somebody and I like it, I end up buying everything.

“So I have got virtually everything he’s ever done – compilations, the lot.”

It could be worse. At least it wasn’t Bucks Fizz.

Is this the time to admit that not only do I have Cliff's entire back catalogue, but I also have Bucks Fizz's? Probably not.

UPDATE: The Sunday Times has helped me redeem my reputation by including this blog in its Top 100 Blogs list. The only other political ones to be included are Guido, John Redwood, Tom Harris and John Prescott, although they slightly spoil it by putting that Prescott blogs at LabourHome rather than GoFourth.


  1. The BBC is going on about an 80s revival this morning.

    You are probably just ahead of the game!

  2. Disgusting. Cliff's entire back catalogue?

    I thought it had been banned by La Smith to ensure public safety. The cops'll be round to root through your collection of 45s and LPs very shortly - I'd get it out to Liechtenstein pretty quick.

  3. Iain,

    You could rework the old joke

    "Esther Rantzen made me a homosexual...."

    My band used to do a song about media tarts that contained the lines

    "I could have been like Esther Rantzen
    But they said I was too Handsome"

    I don't know why but as I read your blog I recalled that and chuckled.

  4. OH.......MY.......GOD!

    Wait until Derek Draper gets hold of this!

    LOL ;o)

  5. Alastair Cooke once quoted someone on his Letter from America Radio 4 programme (sorely missed).

    "The whole truth about any one of us would shock all of us."

    We all have some embarrassing incident in our life which we would rather not see spread over 2 pages of the Mail on Sunday!

  6. Further to my last post Iain; did you by any chance spot this exciting offer in the Guardian?

    2009 Draper Tool Offers

    " 100's Of 2009 Draper Tool Offers."
    "1000's Of Low Priced Draper Tools."

    So now it's official.

    Draper IS a tool. ;o)

  7. to which you can add being named in todays sunday times as one of the top 100 bloggers - also mentioned are guido and tom harris but no mention of a draper

    odd that!

  8. @davidc

    That's just dear old Bryan Appleyard, desperate to drive traffic to his moribund blog.

  9. No Derek Draper in that list of influential bloggers..?

  10. Disappointed "Zionist on The Web" didn't make it.

  11. Very funny Iain. My first exposure to the lurid world of rock 'h roll, aged 7, was seeing Cliff & The Shadows (with bad boys, Jet Harris & Tony Meehan, of course), at the ABC Ardwick in Manchester.

    Cliff was then the UK's answer to Elvis, with brylcreemed and quiffed hair, and almost snaky hips.

    Happily, that didn't last long. I became a hippie :-)

  12. I'm glad we were prepared for a shock!

  13. Don't know if you've noticed Iain but Draper's getting a kicking on the LabourList's comments, about Guido and racism, regarding using the term 'windowlicker'.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is all very well, but can we get back to some Brown bashing. In other news, Gordon Brown condones educational elitism...

  16. it just goes to show you can't be too careful.

  17. There is a lot right with Cliff Richard. No shame there. It isn't like you are a West Ham supporter or anything.

    Oh, well.

  18. So is Cliff either (a) gay or (b) in denial? I think that’s all the possibilities.

  19. Desperately important as the UK sinks beneath the waves!

  20. Cliffe Richard is a national treasury to the younger generation! I will never forget Cliff Richard and the young ones and that child picking his nose in the video! (Maybe it was Gordon Brown!)

    Seriously though in times of hardship listening to some of Cliffes records is southing as it reminds people of the safety of the past!

  21. Aww, poor widdle Dolly. His sorry excuse for a blog/website doesn't appear in it. It can only be a matter of time before he writes an article on LabourList saying that they're out to get him.

  22. like just what you like, old son. We are all different and thankfully all like different things. If you knew some of the music I like, it would make your hair curl!
