Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ivan Lewis in Fresh Act of Disloyalty

Ivan Lewis is a Minister with nine lives. He's gone off piste so many times, it's amazing he is still in the government. Quite clearly, he's given up caring.

Today in International Development Questions Michael Fabricant shouted across the chamber to him "Bet you wish you had Blair now!"

Ivan Lewis nodded and smiled from his position on the front bench. And so did a number of MPs behind him.

There may be trouble, ahead.


  1. I wonder if Blair was PM now, that Gordon would have been sacked by now.

  2. I think Brown has lost control of the Cabinet, Milliband last year, Balls getting excited this week.

    My bet is Labour try to tough it out until the summer, Conservatives not really wanting the poisonous chalice of Government are approached to form a National Government (Brown is reading up on the Thirties at present) then we will have what they have always wanted a one party State

  3. There was a time when I felt that the behaviour of the rebels within the PLP was reprehensible. Given the way Brown was crowned party leader a year ago I felt it was cowardly in the extreme for hte rebels to turn on him because of a few poor opinion polls.

    Now, after a year or more of Brown denying his culpability for this recession, despite ten years of him telling us that he was solely responsible for the boom since 1997I welcome his regicide with eager anticipation.

  4. Always a morale boost to see the socialists falling out....just wait till the warmer weather is upon us...the knife in the back will make its reappearance with a vengeance..

    Yes indeed, could be a lovely summer!!!

  5. They could try it, you know. Elevate Blair to the Peerage, then have him form a government from the House of Lords. Wouldn't be the first time. not in recent years, true...
