Monday, February 23, 2009

Guido on Prezza: He's Putting Up a Real Fight

Guido has written an article for Public Servant Magazine giving some pertinent insights into how John Prescott and our "friend" who must not be mentioned are doing in the blogosphere. It's a good read.


  1. Public servant magazine? I presume 10 Downing Street do not have a subscription...

  2. Prezze gives Chris Mullin a proper bitch-slap over his memoirs... real "saucer of milk for table one" stuff :-)

  3. Prescott should still be in jail. He is an ignorant loudmouth. You give him too much credit.

  4. I always suspected Prescott was given tasks that the party wanted to bury quietly in an unmarked grave...devolution of the regions is the most obvious example.

    But if he's making a success of his blog it might make other left wing bloggers up their game, which can't be bad for anyone including the right.

  5. I can't help but wonder which blogger Dolly will have a go at next. The second Downfall movie can only be weeks away, surely.

  6. Guido's article is spot on.

    But both Prezza and Drooper are louts in their own way.

  7. Ther seems to be an interesting commenting policy developing on

    I have posted a number of quite challenging comments and to be fair they have carried them all. But last week I posted one on Harriet's bid for power which was echoed Heseltine's famous speech "it wasn't Brown's it was balls." It wasn't defamatory or abusive, just pointing out the vacuousness of his post. Anyway, the good moderating fairy killed it.

    Then today the site leads with a post 'from' wee Dougie Alexander extolling the virtues of Fairtrade Week. I pointed out that, worthy cause as it was, on a day when hundreds at DAF were likely to lose their jobs and a UK Citizen had arrived back after being detained illegally and tortured with the connivance of HMG, this was a trifle anodyne. Indeed, I wondered had the Minister actually seen it or had it just been posted in his name.

    Again the good moderating fairy said 'niet'.

    Now ok, its their site and they can allow on there what they want, but all of this was mild compared to some of the comments I have posted there and seen posted by others. After all, there's nothing like a fall out among the Brothers for a good punch up. So I reckon that they are censoring any comments with a whiff of criticism of Ministers who post there.

    Poor creatures. With such thin skins and all this global warming thingy they may soon be extinct!

  8. Thanks for pointing this out, Iain. It's a good, informative read.
