Monday, February 16, 2009

Draper's Downfall: Das Video

I suspect even Dolly Draper will have a smile when he sees this. Hilarious. If you are offended by strong language, don't watch it.

Hattip Donal Blaney


  1. Oh good. Another Downfall video.

    These things aren't funny anymore....

  2. Anything at Dolly's expense is fine by me.

    Personally, I have to admit nothing will beat the 7 minute Downfall video that came out at the time of the Glasgow East by-election last year. That was fantastic, and I've not seen anything to rival it yet.

  3. I've just Googled the words "Labour List" to have a look at this blog which appears to be causing a fair bit of web activity.

    The Labour List blog appeared 6th in the list, below Bob Piper, Tom Watson and Dizzy amongst others.

    Not been a techie myself, does this mean that people are reading more blogs about a blog, than reading the blog itself?

  4. Utterly hilarious.

    But should Draper have been playing himself?

  5. @ Grim Reaper

    I'll second that

    @ Liam

    You are really Dolly 'Downfall' Draper and I hereby claim my prize.

  6. Can we just call them all racists? Comedy.

    WV: cavers - probably a useful skill for Labour MPs.

  7. I just find all Labour people linked to Hitler a pretty fair assessment!

  8. O/T
    Channel 4 are showing a programme tonight called: The Gangster and the Pervert Peer.
    Lord Boothby was bisexual.
    Over to you Iain.

  9. Had a good laugh at it...fair cheered me up..

  10. Mr G Reaper - indeed a fine piece of workmanship, however I can only find one at 4 mins - am I going blind as a result of watching that Durex advert too often?


  11. Alex Hilton has an interesting message on LabourHome which suggests Draper called him with a threat to cut off all links with right wing blogs.

  12. Plato said "Mr G Reaper - indeed a fine piece of workmanship, however I can only find one at 4 mins - am I going blind as a result of watching that Durex advert too often?"

    Here you go friend. Prepare to laugh.

  13. Sorry Iain although a great spoof, this one does NOT work.

    Gordon is the Fuhrer, not a very minor underling such as Draper.

  14. Iain,
    How many more times are you going to fall off the wagon laughing?

  15. What's German for "wankstain"?

  16. Absolutely hilarious!

    Why take it seriously? If the pub bore had started this 'act' in front of his assembled chums, everyone would be at least having a chuckle!

    Grim Reaper's right, the one with Glasgow East was the best, but this Draper one just sums up the prat.

  17. YMT is right, but never fear. Our Labour Government has given everyone facing such abuse the answer.

    From the the Blessed Jacqui's own Departmental website:

    "Intimidation or harassment is a personalised form of anti-social behaviour, specifically aimed at particular individuals.

    The nature of this anti-social behaviour means that victims of intimidation and harassment are often living or working in close proximity to their tormentors.

    Intimidation and harassment may also be triggered by an individual taking a stand .......

    Enforcement action must be immediate to protect those who are being harassed or intimidated.

    This may be through an injunction or an interim ASBO (which may be obtained without notice to the defendant) and can provide immediate relief and raise confidence in the ability of local agencies to tackle this sort of anti-social behaviour."

    But joking aside, this really is a serious issue. These are the tactics of a totalitarian dictatorship. Who will now be the first to have their windows broken? Will anyone who thinks of not voting Labour have to wear a blue or yellow cross on their coat? Or is the person issuing these threats just detached from reality?

    I really cannot believe that the Labour leadership want this. They must be deeply concerned at where this is all leading...but the solution lies in their own hands.

  18. I say chaps - "Pixie eared wife" - isn't that going too far? :-)

    Otherwise spot on.

  19. "They've" turned on Hilton

    This should be fun

  20. @ Old Holborn said...

    "They've" turned on Hilton
    This should be fun"

    Indeed, the proverbial rats in a sack on a sinking ship.

  21. Fantastic!

    I love the bit:

    "It's OK Kate. GMTV won't be reporting this"


    Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs

  22. "Can't we all just get along?"
    "Will nobody think of the children?"
    Brought to you by Platitudes-R-us.

    This was a funny video, Iain.

  23. When I was rimming Derek Draper the other night, he told me that I was doing it better than Gordon did usually.

  24. This is a disgrace. Now Dale compares Draper to Hitler for misusing a phrase. Do you call everyone who calls up Paul Staines for his racist posters a fascist?


  25. Hilariouis!! Loved the final comment 'can't we call them all racists?' Priceless. Set me up for the rest of the day that has.

  26. I watched the whole of Downfall last night:

    An arrogant leader, full of bitterness and surrounded by inadequate yes-men, who had overplayed his hand and was seeing the consequences, but was unwilling to accept responsibility on behalf of the nations and by his unwillingness to capitulate gracefully was condemning his nation, already suffering, to years of misery.

    remind you of anyone?

  27. Ooh-er Draper, you're a joke.

    No change there then.
