Friday, February 13, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. James Forsyth on the limitless of Ed Balls' ambitions.
2. Baroness D'Souza on a week in the life of a Baroness.
3. Martin Bright gets a charming text from Number Ten.
4. ConservativeHome reports IDS's reaction to the 13 year old father.
5. Paul Waugh contrasts David Cameron's reaction to that of Gordon Brown to the same case.
6. Mars Hill asks Liberal England blogger Jonathan Calder 20 questions.
7. Tom Harris imagines what might happen to the Tories if Labour wins a fourth time.
8. Guido urges Dolly to get some therapy.
9. Donal Blaney says Britain is Leeds United and Gordon Brown is Peter Ridsdale.
10. And back to Guido. He writes two words you wouldn't expect. "Dearest Derek".
11. Dan Hannan explains why EU leaders are complaining about the weakness of the £.
12. Toby Harnden on the Washington journos who are taking up Twittering.


  1. I see Tom Harris confirms the general thought that 6th May 2010 is the date of the next GE:

    If, on Friday 7 May 2010, we awake to pictures of a smiling GB and Sarah going into No. 10. I of course disagree that Brown and Labour will win! That is Labour arrogance for you!

  2. Anyone taking bets as to whether Dolly gets dragged off to the fuuny farm by Monday?

    £10 says he's in a soft room by Sunday midnight

  3. I've just been over at draperlist.

    I think he might be mental.

  4. Tut tut. Naughty Mr Draper's exhorting - nay, demanding - that you stop linking to Guido's blog. What a bloody cheek. Think it would be a fantastic use of taxpayer's money to either send him to a soft-walled establishment, pay for etiquette lessons or at least teach him how to reason from cause to effect and differentiate between themes. (Now, Dolly, the CRB and racism are unrelated.)

  5. Dolly's post on DraperList is hilarious. It's like a car crash in slow motion.

    I have never seen someone so inept, so wrong about how the internet works.

    Labour must surely dis-associate themselves from him PDQ?

  6. Poor boy, the bunker is getting very crowded and stressful

  7. I think the Leeds Risdale analogy is very apt
