Friday, February 06, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Tory Bear reports on George Foulkes' campaign to be Rector of Edinburgh University.
2. PoliticalBetting on the problems Nicolas Sarkozy is causing Gordon Brown.
3. Peter Hoskin wonders whether a return from Michael Howard is such a good idea.
4. Liam Murray thinks we need a new approach from the Taxpayers' Alliance.
5. Nadine Dorries on why prostitutes should be able to keep the money they have earned.
6. If you are an MP reading this blogpost, do yourself a favour. Read THIS from Douglas Carswell.
7. Guido on the protest against the Guardian's £50 million tax dodge.
8. Jeremy Hunt asks you to decide on a cock up or a conspiracy.
9. Letters from explains why he is a Tory. Really.
10. Kezia Dugdale has some Question Time questions.
11. Red Box reports Labour will back down over election spending.
12. ConservativeHome on Britain's cheapest MP.


  1. The Doug Carswell link is broken :(

  2. And so is everything Nadine Dorries ever says. She is talking about a particular working girl I think you'll find Iain. And also about a case of confiscation that'll surely be reversed ... unless that is Nadine has misrepresented matters. Which thing I would not past her put.
