Monday, February 16, 2009

Brown Tries to Ban Cameron From Thatcher Dinner

The increasingly bitter relationship between David Cameron and Gordon Brown seems to have plumbed new depths, with THIS report that Gordon Brown tried to strike Cameron's name off the guestlist of a dinner to mark the unveiling of a portrait of her at Number Ten. I asked Cameron about this fraught relationship in my interview with him for Total Politics...

ID: On your relations with Gordon Brown it seems to me that there’s an absolute mutual loathing there, which sometimes goes beyond where it should.
DC: When we meet each other at state functions we’re perfectly polite and we get on.
ID: But when you were walking together to the House of Lords for the Queen’s Speech you had a complete poker face and didn’t say a word to him.
DC: I couldn’t! I couldn’t get a word in edgeways! He launches into a long conversation and that’s it. I would have loved to have said something, but I didn’t get the chance. Maybe next year.
ID: Describe Gordon Brown in one word.
DC: [long pause] Wrong.


  1. I think that is bollocks from Cameron about the Queens Speech. He has this attack plan going whereby he portrays Brown as a disfunctional cock, and so he was being ultra careful not to be photographed enjoying a chat and a joke with him as they walked through to the Lords. Hence he kept his face in this bizarre grimace, carefully looking away from Brown, rather than listening politely. All about the spin with this one.

  2. He dosen't need to portray Brown as a dysfunctional cock, we all know he is one. I wouldn't be able to tolerate having a conversation with someone who has completely decimated a country.

  3. "He has this attack plan going whereby he portrays Brown as a disfunctional cock..."

    Heh! I don't think that could be said to be Camweron's plan. It's just his good luck that Brown IS a dysfunctional cock...

  4. Dear Mr Dale,

    Perhaps you could run that as a sort of Guidoesque caption competition - Describe Gordon the Ruiner in one word.

    You'd get a lot of entries!

  5. Well, you can't like everyone, especially in politics! Great Post!

  6. That is all too believable.....

    Brown has clearly constructed a fantasy world in his head, where he has personally only ever made one mistake (10p tax).

    Gordon can't let anyone puncture his 'mental construct', otherwise his world would come crashing down.

    So rather than accidentally letting the truth seep into his head, he'd rather bang on "tractor-stat-style" at anyone who has the potential to pull down the house of cards.

  7. Andy, doesn't trying to exclude Cameron from a dinner in honour of a predecessor as Leader of the Conservative Party prove conclusively that Brown is indeed a disfunctional cock?

  8. @ Jonathan Cook said...

    "Brown has clearly constructed a fantasy world in his head, where he has personally only ever made one mistake (10p tax)."

    Nay, not a mistake, but merely misunderstood by everyone else. Classic symptoms of a true delusionist.

  9. Brown has form on this; just a few weeks back at Damilola's memorial service, appalled that he would be sitting in the front pews with the Mayor of London, Boris says that Brown had him moved to the back row. The Telegraph reported:

    "Sources close to the Mayor added that he had been asked to move from the front row on the eve of the service to make way for Harriet Harman, the Leader of the House.

    When Mr Johnson objected to the change of seating arrangement, he was told that catherdral authorities had "come under heavy pressure" from Downing Street to shift him."

    And remember that absurd and undignified photo of Brown standing on tiptoes for a press shot outside No 10 to emphasise his height advantage over a visiting statesman?

    Brown is a little man in every way, riven with petty spites and jealousies. No advantage is too small for him to arrange, no slight too petulant to be made.

  10. "All about the spin with this one."
    Hah! Spin has never been a problem with Labour? It's been their only activity for 11 years or more. Governing is quite beyond them.

  11. Brown's standard move when confronted with any threat is to lauch into max verbosity. Not only is he monocular, he's also deaf. He talks and talks and talks - about 'listening'. Does he actually know what the word means?

  12. February 16, 2009 8:50 AM , Blogger Andy said...

    I think that is bollocks from Cameron about the Queens Speech. He has this attack plan going whereby he portrays Brown as a disfunctional cock,

    But that is exactly what he is! Hadn't you noticed? Tell me, if you had a teenager who either lied or refused to answer any question you asked him, you'd think - teenager. However, Brown is now 57 or so, does the same, so you think - dysfunctional. And quite severely. Sadly, New Labour are all so terrified of him, and all so guilty about sweeping him into power unopposed that they just sit on their hands and look the other way so no-one catches their eye.

    Meanwhile, the country collapses.

    Good one, Gordo.

  13. Raedwals,

    please can you post a link to the tiptoes shot?

  14. Actually, I would be delighted to see Brown crack up in public - maybe at PMQs, so that he could be carted out of the chamber in a straitjacket, whacked full of (more) largactil.

  15. Trevor Kavannagh in The Sun today says:

    "In June 2006 — before Northern Rock crashed in flames — the Bank of England briefed journalists that High Street lenders did not have enough in the kitty to balance their books. Any jolt to the economy could bring disaster."

    Is this correct?! Did Gordon know the banks were in danger of collapsing years ago!

  16. "He has this attack plan going whereby he portrays Brown as a disfunctional cock"

    The only person to portray Gorgon Brown as a dysfunctional cock is Gorgon Brown - he is an absolute master at it. Cameron just needs to "do nothing" and let Brown get on with it.

  17. Brown can't distinguish between personal & political, strategy & tactics, boom & bust, practical & ideological, up & down etc.

    He can't see Call me Dave as an opponent - he's the enemy and it's personal to him. It's really quite scary that a father of 2 and at 56? years old he can't understand that there's a bigger picture - namely Blighty.

    Everyone is an enemy - he's the Hugo Chavez of Downing Street - only he can progress Labour, only he knows.... The fact that we're skint and your grandkids are skint is irrelevant.

  18. Could Paul Moore be the smoking gun who finally topples Gordon Brown?

  19. Iain Dale (Twitter): "I am about to be a brave little soldier and have my mouth poked about in by someone who wants to hurt me."

    .......and enough about your sex life. (Push the red button)

    (Link is far more innocent and totally work safe than it appears!)

  20. ***so that he could be carted out of the chamber in a straitjacket, whacked full of (more) largactil***


    (bet none of you squares gets the reference)

  21. @Zeddy ... not sure, but certainly - avoid the Brown acid (Spinal Tap quote perhaps?)!

  22. I don't know why DC is not coming out straight with it. So they hate each others guts.... big deal. Why not just say so....

  23. If I got the chance to talk to Broon theres lots of things I`d want to say, but trust me polite wouldnt be one of em......

  24. In an obituary in today’s DT: "..after joining the Communist Party in 1932, his ideology seemed to shrivel his natural gifts, leaving him an earnest, doctrinaire, and unimaginative stylist".

    Does this remind us of anybody – and their doctorate about a Scottish communist trade union agitator?

  25. I'm waiting for McBroon to get so apoplectic with one of Cam's questions at PMQs that he says "mer mer mer mer mer ... Mr Speaker" for so long that Gorbals actually stops him for overrunning.

  26. "It's really quite scary that a father of 2 and at 56? years old he can't understand that there's a bigger picture - namely Blighty."

    Whose the one sulking at the Queen's speech and then planting bitchy little pieces in the Daily Hitler?

  27. One word to describe Gordon Brown? Most of the ones I want to use will get deleted, so I'll settle for hoonish* instead.

    *Hoonish = having a Geoff Hoon-like quality/qualities.

  28. The other point was Brown did not nod to the throne as Cameron did - maybe he did n not see it.

    On the other hand he did not top the speakers chair (knows where his bread is buttered).

    odious oik.
