Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Being Shouted at by Derek Draper

Have you ever imagined what it is like to be intimidated by and shouted at by a Labour control freak? Wonder no more. Mark Wallace from the Taxpayers' Alliance has experienced it at first hand. This afternoon he had a ranting Derek Draper on the phone. Read his experience HERE.

I think it's called winning friends and influencing people. Or maybe the reverse.


  1. I know why Draper doesn't write much on his blog - it's hard to type fast with one hand.

    wv pessing

  2. Labourlist is a joke.

    If you write a post which disagrees with an article,the chances are you will get moderated.

    Thus Labourlist is just a propaganda tool.

    I'd have though Draper does the Labour cause more harm than good.

    Also.....Brown won't like this development either, because there is only room for one delusional control freak at a time in the party. Draper will have to go...........

  3. Mark Wallace's post is slightly hysterical and pathetic but its good to know that you Tories all stick together. The imnportant thing is: what is his answer to my very specific e-mail?


    You just have to explain where in this logical chain we have got it wrong:

    If government spending stays the same and tax revenue stays the same (I understand you would prefer they don't but they are going to, at least for now) and companies engage in the tax avoidance schemes outlined in the Guardian, corporate tax levels would decrease and so the burden on individuals would have to rise? So, do you condemn such avoidance schemes or not? My reading of what you said is that far from that, you make excuses for, and encourage them to do so. Therefore you have a stance which would lead to individual taxpayers paying more tax. What is mistaken about any of this? Finally, as I pointed out earlier, those individual taxpayers have a right to know: Do any of these corporate tax avoiders fund the Taxpayers' Alliance? Yes or no and, if yes, which ones please?


    Derek Draper"

  4. There are only 17 people who matter, and to same i'm intimately involved with all of them is the understatement of the century.

  5. Come on Dolly tell everyone....did you or did you not record that telephone conversation?

    Any chance of a straight, or indeed any kind of, answer?

  6. Bugger - what's Prescott's sub-ed secretary up to ?

    Her elbows???

  7. Draper, you are, as killemallletgodsortemout rightly asserts, a prize cock

    I say that in a nice way, of course.

  8. What an absolute godsend to the Conservative cause Derek Draper is!

    He also seems genuinely incapable of understanding that we spend way too much. He thinks the only way to cut corporate taxes is to raise other taxes. What a tool!

  9. There's always a BIGGER bully.

    Did you know toilets were perfectly designed to sit a man shoulders on and stop him from drowning. Anybody who shouted at me would be begging for for water boarding when I let them out the lav.

  10. Mandleson's awesome too, a pure vote loser.

  11. I have read the piece and it just confirms that labour just have no idea about profit and how you survive in business in a free market.

  12. This is clearly just a new strategy by Draper to try to drum up some interest - go around picking trumped up fights with people, publicise it and hope for more visits. He's a desperate man.
    I see Trevor Kavanagh gave him short shrift when he tried a similar tactic.
    Mark Wallace should resist the temptation to soil his hands. Don't dignify this idiot with a reply.
    Let Draper put what he likes on his site, it doesn't matter, nobody reads it!

  13. DRAPER

    Get your hair washed and cut you horrible little man, and a shave.

  14. Dolly,

    Tax cuts stimulate economic activity. Even bottler Brown knows that. That is why he helped Labour's venture capitalist chums by slashing capital gains tax on briefly held assets.

    Make the tax system less labyrinthian and it would cost less to collect, cost businesses less to do their 'tax planning' and mean fewer holes for businesses to slip revenue through.

    Cut taxes and simplify them and you'll likely get your clammy hands on just as much in tax revenue without having to up taxes on us little people.

    Think of it like Swiss cheese (your way) and Cheddar (The TA way). Both can weigh the same (bring in the same revenue) but one is full of holes and as a consequence has to be larger.


  15. Remember your mate Geoffrey Robinson's business, Dolly?

    "Mark Wallace's post is slightly hysterical and pathetic but its good to know that you Tories all stick together."

    We stick together,Dolly, against your statist behaviour and soviet dogma, you really are a despicable schill. Mark's post was most reasonable stacked against your childish rebuttal squad of teenagers.

  16. "If government spending stays the same and tax revenue stays the same (I understand you would prefer they don't but they are going to, at least for now)"

    Draper is such a total moron on so many levels and every aspect of what he hilariously refers to as "logic" can be shredded with ease.

    He thinks that tax revenue is going to stay the same. WHAT!!!

    Heard of the CREDIT CRUNCH Derek?

    How about the RECESSION?

    Looked at the HOUSING MARKET lately?



    Has it occurred to you, DEREK, that these things might impact, in some minor way, on the amount your chums receive in tax revenue?

    And if tax revenue goes down, and you refuse to trim spending, then who pays for it, DEREK? Could it be those individual taxpayers you cry crocodile tears for?

  17. Shut up Draper you cock

    I'm not a Tory.

    EVERYBODY hates Labour.

    PS: I know it's not the summer yet, but could you have a wash?

  18. Is Dolly Draper Alistair Cambell Mk2 or am I missing something?

  19. Did Draper type that all by himself? Who wrote it for him, anyway?

    Was this before lunch?

    wv - swines !!

  20. Derek Draper is an absolute cock. Seriously, what the hell is he playing at?

    Derek, word to the wise, surely you can see how you make yourself look with all this needlessly aggressive nonsense?

    Just quit while you're behind, WAY behind.

  21. Are we allowed to describe Derek Draper using a four-lettered word which begins with C and ends with T? Ideally whilst pre-facing the aforementioned word with "complete and utter".

  22. Grim Reaper,,

    The word you are looking for is HOON

  23. I completely agree with you, Old Holborn. That is a much better word.

  24. A hoon by any other name..........

  25. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. Not quite there, but close. Actually, it's more akin to pity than sympathy.

  26. Your don't want to slag off our Del -- don't forget, there's only 17 people who matter in this country, and he's on intimate terms with all of them.
