Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tory Lead Is Up to 15 Points Again

PoliticalBetting is reporting a ComRes/Independent poll showing a 15 point Tory lead. Less than 60 days ago the same poll was a reporting a single point Tory lead.

Con 43 +2
Labour 28 -4
LibDem 16 -1

This is the fourth poll in a row to show a lengthening Tory lead. This is clearly good news, although even Conservative strategists will have to acknowledge that this must be mainly down to people's anger with Labour, and the Prime Minister in particular, rather than a growing enthusiasm for the Tories. Or - could it be that Ken Clarke's return has done it?! Perhaps we will find out more when the detail of the poll is published.

I wonder how long it will be before we hear the sound of Labour leadership rumblings. Give it until March. Then the great sages will say that if Gordon Brown doesn't do well enough in the Euro elections he will have to go. You see if I'm not right.


  1. Labour have created the basket case economy! Labour should be removed from office asap!

    I am constructing the placade!

    Labour Labour Labour - Out Out Out!

  2. "I wonder how long it will be before we hear the sound of Labour leadership rumblings. Give it until March. Then the great sages will say that if Gordon Brown doesn't do well enough in the Euro elections he will have to go. You see if I'm not right."

    Yes, but then if that does happen they will give him until after the summer recess, and then until the end of the parliamentary session. And then until Christmas/New Year. And then it will be so close to the general election that they will use that as the final excuse.

    We've seen it all before.

  3. The Tories could sit back and let Labour destroy themselves. But that would be too easy.

  4. Listen to the wise old OWL





  5. Dark room, Whiskey, Revolver...BANG.

    I know lets not make it personal, Our freak of a PM would not have the bottle anyway, lets try to grasp some comfort in the knowledge that if he went to the country in Oct 07 then we would be looking at another 3 and a half years of no hope, instead we are looking at a little chick of light in a very dark tunnel.

  6. Where is Brown......?

    Hiding in the cellar

  7. Quite suddenly it is being realised that the myth of Brown's Great Brain is a false one.

    It is recorded that one time he took out a pocket calculator to calculate the tip in a restaurant: this was taken as evidence of his wonderful attention to detail, but the truth is that anyone who needs a calculator to work out how much to tip isn't numerate enough to be Chancellor of the Exchequer: hence lunacies like the abolition of the 10% tax band: he really couldn't see that obviously this would hurt the poorest taxpayers the most. He really didn't understand that 125% mortgages were leading to an unsustainable boom. And so on and so on.

    The truth is he knows s*d all about economics and can't do the maths. And this is what they're now saying in the newsagents and on the bus, in the pub and on the train. Bye bye Gordon.

  8. I doubt Labour have the energy to replace the Great Helmsman.

    They can see a tragedy unfolding, but none of them can stop it happening. And a new leader wouldn't make much difference at this stage.

  9. Have you read comment 101 on the polbetting thread about the poll lead?
    Frank Fields claim - "thatcher - My Part in her Downfall"

    Given the apparent choice left to the Labour Party ie Brown or Harridian Harman I am minded of the phrase 'Whom the Gods destroy - first they make mad'

  10. Somewhere even now Labour are probably trying new smears to throw at the Conservatives with focus groups.

    They are cornered and desperate ( as well as in the main unemployable outside the parasitic political arena).

    They will fight dirty and with desperation.

  11. Never mind, Labour can arrange a quick appearance from Sarah Brown to say what a nice bloke the leader is and presto they'll be 10 points up.

    It just shows how clever our voters are.

    We're doomed.

  12. At a guess reduced number of people prepared to express a preference will have a big part in this change.

  13. The words 'straws' and 'clutching' come to mind.

  14. There is too much attention paid to the polls. If there were not used then maybe the Govt would have to use referendums or have an election. Instead they can 'test' their propositions without putting themselves in danger.

  15. Well it's nearly 20 hours now since the embargo was broken on the poll lead and nearly 12 hours since the first copies of The Indy were published and still no headline about this on the BBC New Politics home page - just a by-line in another story.

    Brown slips so far back and yet they still don't report it.

    Not surprised though - Pravda will have had a call from the boss (Mandy) to tell them not to run it.

    The sooner the BBC is reformed the better.

  16. Or - could it be that Ken Clarke's return has done it?!

    Ken Clarke? Who's he? I'm old, and all I can remember about him is that he was trouble.

    Where's Heseltine? May as well get him back while you're about it. Get him made a Lord if he isn't one already.
