Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Taxi for Mr Maguire - Well, a Limo...

Kevin Maguire likes to make out he's a good working class boy. Guido caught him last night getting a Mercedes limousine to take him home. As he says, nothing is too good for the workers. Good to see that the Mirror still funds Maxwellian lifestyles, eh?


  1. I am all in favour of anything which embarrasses the odious bigoted Maguire.

    This is a bit thin, but he could have easily caught the tube. Look out for him singing the praises of public transport in future and condemning the rest of us plebs into the grovelling servitude that befits our place in his socialist Nirvana.

    word verification 'ovenate' (TD's definition ... 'to burn beyond a crisp')

  2. Perhaps he'd be good enough to further emulate the Bouncing Czech by sleep-walking in the middle of the Med?

    Then he could at long last serve some useful purpose as fish fodder.

    The Penguin

  3. Err. He did the newspaper review on Sky at 11:30pm last night so it was probably a Sky car picking him up.

  4. And guess who's doing it tonight? Yup. Got it in one.

  5. So are you getting a chauffeur driven limo Iain?

  6. I normally drive myself, but on this occasion I shall be emulating Mr Maguire. And that doesn't happen very often!

  7. Maxwellian? A Merc as a one off? Non story even at Guido's. No idea why it's made it onto this blog. Pathetic.

    And very well spotted by Alex and Lil. Iain Dale is the new Maxwell. Having defined the excess he tucked right in.

  8. Chris Paul - Don't hijack my comment for your own rant.
    If Sky provided a limo for Maguire then it seems fair to provide one for Iain. I asked if they had.

  9. Me too Liz. If I was accepting a Limo from Sky this very evening I'd consider it hyocritical to blog about someone else's accepting one too. is all.

  10. Maguire said it was taking him home to Mayfair.

    I didn't have a limo to take me to Sky. I had a 11 seater VW people carrier. Have I put on THAT much weight?!
