Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tabloid Journalist Trying to Infiltrate Tory Party

Just a word of warning to Tories who have a Facebook profile. If you get a Friend request from someone called Carla Jones, beware. She's alleged to be a Daily Mirror journalist on the look out for Tory scandal, but hiding under an assumed identity.

She has 153 "friends". If you are one of them, probably best to "defriend" her.


  1. scandel in the tory party ??

    shurly shum mishtake !

  2. I hate when journalists do this. Just pathetic really.

  3. Why do people accept friend requests from randoms??

  4. Who is doing the alleging? There is plenty of scandal in plain view in Conservative Future.

  5. How many times has the Mirror tried this ? It seems a rather tawdry way of getting news and speaks columes about why I have never EVER bought the paper.

  6. Labour's supporters must be getting desperate. Tories don't even have to use journalists to expose a scandal. The fact Gordon Brown is still in office shows how corrupt Labour are

  7. It is dreadful that the Government is so lacking in ideas and incomptence they take to this.

    I frankly thought the bloke who got his picture in the papers and on the BBC was treating very badly by the media. He may have done something insensitive but that did not merit being vilified in the media with picture published.

    It is easy to go into facebook and do this sort of thing. I found a Labour party facebook page related to one of the Manchester universities - nothing that looked newsworthy but i had better things to do than look through Socialist jollies and boasting of having met John Prescott etc etc!

  8. down to 143 friends now; going south quicker than both the economy and Labour's poll ratings.

  9. Following Dave and Boris around on their bikes obviously hasn't worked.

  10. Don't want to pinch the Sunday Times' idea of infiltrating the Lords?

  11. Good luck to her. A free press is an essential part of a healthy democracy - as we found in the Sunday Times this morning

  12. @ChrisPaul 12:55pm

    And the House Of Lords, it would seem. Those in glasshouses might be best advised...

    Could it be Dolly in drag?

  13. Iain, surely with getting people to 'defriend' her you're saying she's actually going to find something worth reporting. So instead of saying there is no scandal in the Tory Party, you're saying if there is scandal, you better hide it. Though it's not just the tory party of course, could be any political party.

  14. Its quite funny. She seems to have amassed a series of B-List Conservatives from Bagshawe to Whittingdale who have presumably accepted a proposal of "friendship" from someone they have neither met nor heard of. Says all you need to know about elected politicians.

  15. Iain,

    Looks like PFI is about to explode in Labour and the taxpayers face

    There is no plan B


  16. Talking of scandals, compare and contrast the BBC and Times coverage of the cash for Peers scandal:

    Notice any difference?


  17. Maybe she could befriend the Scottish Secretary's special advisor.

    "Thanks Suckers".

  18. Just like spam, there’s always someone who will fall for it, there will always be people who will fall for a “be my friend con”, for example, how many tarts excite lonely men by saying they want to be a friend on certain online sites when all they really want is for them to go to their site & spend money to see them naked!

    Iain! I do respect what you are saying here & I suppose it’s wise to tell people but, if any Tory, Tory supporter, etc isn’t aware of the online battle now under way & all the devious ways the online community will get to each other, then maybe they should consider taking lessons on online security & MORE importantly learning how not to be SOCIAL ENGINEERED!

  19. Tim Montgomerie is still her friend on facebook.

  20. NuLabour are getting pretty desperate for some Tory sleaze, if they or their allies cannot find any soon then Gordon will be furious, they are having to use some pretty dreadful deflection stories and the standard is dropping fast!
    NuLab/BBC etc will soon be down to 'Tories kick kitten for fun' and 'Tories laugh at poor people' etc etc!
    NuLabour cannot hide from the tsunami of bad press however many 'Tory trips up cripple'stories they get their stooges to manufacture.

    Over the next few months you can expect lots of dirt digging by NuLab droids, Brown will be shouting down the phone(before smashing it) 'get me some Tory sleaze'!

  21. 119 facebook friends now :**(

    Poor girl. Shunned by those she sought to exploit and ruin. What's the world coming to eh?

  22. I don't think we need worry. Whatever the Mirror got hold of would have the credibility of the Sunday Sport. It is a joke newspaper for people with no interest in news anyway. And those that are interested in the news (if there are any) are so dyed in the wool barking Labour anyway that they believe Tory = Antichrist. Forget it, give them their stories and wait til the Mirror goes bust.

  23. What have the Conservatives got to hide? Your post gives the impression that the Conservatives have skeletons in their closet whether they have or not!

  24. What's the big deal?

    That's what journalists do - they investigate. What harmful information is lurking on Tory profiles on Facebook? I thought this was the new age of total transparency anyway (except for MPs expenses)?

  25. Anyhow,the subterfuge is unnecessary. I'm not friends with any of the other prominent ad not so prominent Tories on 'Carla's' list but I can still see their profiles by virtue of being a member of the same groups as them.

    There are some extraordinary pictures on Anne Widdecombe's profile of a hen weekend she went on in Riga. Eye-opening.

  26. Why does this remind me of the time that the Mail on Sunday printed those pictures of Chris Bryant in his underpants?

  27. Only 83 friends left

    Poor Carla

  28. Shock! Horror! Hold the front page! Someone wants to link up with the Tories! Since I know of at least two other penetration attempts in the last couple of days (wait and see?), I am not greatly smitten. On my scale of significance it rates below the Nigerian goat car-thief (a BBC website story).

    This fascination with Mirror trivia is almost as bizarre as believing that the Lords are relevant! Or that an antique triumvirate (of whom I can recollect only the one from an aforelife) can subvert the British Con-stit-too-shun!

    Or that Boris can get a double-decker (or something as effective, efficient and "green" as a bendy-bus) through the Strand underpass! Or that an airport in the Thames Estuary is a proposition! And for only £40 billion!

    As is clear from that, unlike most, I've worked my way through today's Sunday Times. What else did I learn? Well, a royal has mislaid a bed-mate; someone is prepared to spend £1200 on ripped jeans; BBC salaries are obscene (though no comparison is made to, say, the Murdoch organisation); PC Plod has been "politicised" (pace one Grayling -- which I always thought was a cold-blooded, very small fish of the salmon family), and that it's "news" and "fair comment" to photoshop (very badly) the Prime Minister into manacles, hi-viz overalls and dreadful shoes. And all that's before I got to the soft-core stuff in the "supplements".

    Then I turned to the Observer; and I discovered a wealth of important matters and information.

    For those too pressed for time to plough through my meanderings, just two words:

    Grow up.

    I appreciate that it's difficult for a political clique which has been isolated and ignored for so long.

  29. Malcolm Redfellow - take it easy left whinger!

    PS - why are you making a comparison between two Labour supporting papers - The Times and The Observer?

  30. 153 friends? More like 153 readers which is all the Daily Mirror can get these days, especially with that IDIOT and Labour luvvies Kevin Maguire spouting nonsenmse all the time.

  31. These comments are a bit sad. This story is a bit sad. If someone is on the fiddle and they tell someone they don't know who they met on Facebook about it they are a moron.

    What on earth is there to worry about? Looks like you lot are a bit paranoid to me !!!!!

  32. Haha, this is a very funny piece of exposure on your part Iain, if true.

    If false though, do you not think she might actually be being rather victimised by you Iain? You are after all a powerful "leading Tory blogger", at least, if the intros to your many media appearances are to be believed.

    I think you may be being rather unfair here. Possibly she will sue? Oh yes, I forgot. In England, that is a recourse only available to rich Tories and the like.

  33. See for a different take on this, hopefully this will be emailed around as quickly as the original false rumour.
    At least Iain had the class to keep the word "allegedly" when passing it on.
