Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

From one of my commenters called Wallenstein...

"My nan was told by her doctor that she had acute angina. She replied that she was there to be examined for a heart problem, not chatted up."

UPDATE: Various commenters tell me this is an old joke. Well, I had never heard it before and thought it was worth a titter. Or maybe a Twitter.


  1. Wallenstein's Nan is clearly a follower of 'House, MD' series 3...

  2. Quote of the day? That joke is older than Sir Peter Tapsell!

  3. I've heard variations of that joke which make rather more of the Angina bit.

    O/T (there's hardly a T to be O)

    On Robert Peston's blog yesterday it said:
    "What Peter Mandelson will announce this afternoon is..."

    I heard a similar phrase on Today this morning regarding Sir Ian Blair's replacement.

    Is there an estimation of the proportion of decisions that reach the media before the official anouncement, and is it getting worse? There certainly seems to be less shame about it.

  4. oh dear...
    are you doing a Ross on us?

    shock horror Iain must be sacked.

  5. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To get to the other side!

  6. Which reminds me another joke...

    Q: Why did the pervert cross the road?

    A: Because he ....

    Mmmm. Perhaps better not. :)

  7. @ canvas: is that Ross of the Unenlightened Commentary, or "Wossy" of the BBC (not to be confused with Biased Broadcasting Consumption, also abbreviated to "BBC", but which Doctor Donal Blaney is providing therapy to counteract).

  8. obviously wossy.

    granny sex joke is so wossy.

  9. ......was stuck in the chicken!

    badoom tish

  10. The difference between "kinky" and "perverted"?

    "Kinky" is when you use a feather...

    "Perverted" is when you use the whole chicken.

    Also ba-dum-tish!

  11. Old as the hills Iain.

    If you have a tawdry mind, as I do, then this error by The Independent is worth a titter.
