Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington."
President Obama, 21 January 2009

Can you imagine Gordon Brown saying anything similar? No, thought not.


  1. follow the leader - and the leader is obviously Barack Obama. He's paving the way forward already...

    embrace the change or get left behind...I think Gordon Brown's government will get left behind.

  2. If Obama starts cutting, so will Brown. Just look at today's PMQ's. Never have I seen such a shameless display of grabbing hold of Obama's coat tails.

    I mean, every answer was "I am doing the same things Obama is, so if you criticise me or the Government, you're actually criticising Obama"


  3. I could imagine Gordon saying "families are tightening their belts, and so should the Tories."

  4. Maybe someone should do a count of how many times GB said at PMQs Obama will lead the way, or the equivalent. He (GB) has no capability to lead - his remaining and only hope is that Obama will work the miracle.

    But it won't happen

  5. The reason J. Smith is not with you at the IEA. Iain, is that she's too busy arranging another raid on parliamentary offices.

  6. Has he cut the BILLIONS in aid to Israel?

    Nah. Not yet.

    Poor black families in DC are still making sure that poor Arab families in Prison Camp Gaza stay that way.

    No wonder they vote (democracy? Like Israel?) for Hamas

  7. Gordon Brown: Thank you very much for your post, Iain. Well, you'll be pleased to know we are currently helping the hard-working families of this country deal with the recession. These problems, which I used to say started in America but can no longer do because they have a popular president now, are causing real harm for people across the country and we are bringing forward real help now. This is totally unlike the do-nothing Tories, whose supporters consist mainly of old grannies who will soon be dead anyway.

    Iain Dale: But none of that is true. Some of the people who helped cause the recession are in London. They moved to this country because they could make more money here, yet they lent it out to Russian oligarchs. Your strategy's not working, is it?

    Gordon Brown: I am getting on with the job of running this country, of helping hard-working families through the problems which didn't begin in America, oh no siree.

    Iain Dale: So what do you make of Barack Obama saying "Families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington.". Several other countries have tightened their belts, will the UK be doing the same?

    Gordon Brown: Our strategy is clear. I made this clear at the Save My Job summit that was held last week. I am getting on with the job of running the problems of hard-working families in this country which began in America, or didn't, whilst the Tories continue to do nothing about the issues at heart.

    Old Holborn: *grabs the nearest pickaxe*

  8. Cuts?

    No it will never happen.

    The US Government has recently given away trillons of dollars

    Maybe he is just promising not to get the US deeper into debt, but that isn't the same thing.

    Its just sound bites

  9. Israel reacted with deadly and unnecessary, overblown force (which is something that they tend to do). The deaths of innocents (on either side) are reprehensible.

    What do you suggest , send a memo ?There can be no peace with Hamas and Israel can only lose once

  10. "In outspoken comments last month, Mr Clarke urged the Conservatives to engage more with Europe or risk being marginalised by the new American administration.

    The remarks, which emerged tonight, are likely to infuriate Mr Cameron and alarm Conservative backbenchers..."

    Yeah! Go Ken! Love that man. That's just what DC needs. A colleague who is not afraid to tell him the truth. Let's hope DC is wise enough to take the advice on board.

  11. "Ken Clarke warns Barack Obama could see David Cameron as right wing nationalist.

    Ken Clarke, the new shadow Business secretary, has warned David Cameron that he risks being seen as a "right wing nationalist" by President Barack Obama."

    It's very true!
    Ken is cool.

  12. Looks like he has been building a list of easy wins whilst he has been waiting for power.

    Good man. Change is here...

  13. Oliver Drew said...

    "Cutting aid to Israel would not solve the problems in the middle east."

    True, but it would force Israel to think about dialogue rather than killing.

  14. Hang on, I though Obama was following in the Great Leader's World Saving footsteps?

    The Penguin

  15. So we have Obama, without the slightest awareness of the irony of his comment, stating that Washington will tighten its belt a day after committing to over a trillion dollars of public spending.

    And we have Canvas making a public application to join Dolly Draper on Project LabourList.

    Things are very surreal just now...

  16. Yes, the extent to which Obama has been inspired by Cameron is obvious.

  17. Didn't the Democrats spend $150m on The Messiahs inauguration?

  18. True, not least because Brown is deeply personally in bed with the banking/hedge fund types, who rotate through his various initiatives and committees and with whom he and Blair always found themselves in good company.

    As indeed do Cameron and Osborne.

  19. I can certainly imagine Brown saying exactly that. In fact I can imagine Brown saying anything. He's a congenital liar and bully, after all.

    But I certainly cannot imagine Brown actually doing what he says.

    Brown has lost it completely. He's deperately clinging to anything and anyone who will give his ratings a lift - even if it means outright mimicry.

  20. Gordon would say "Families are tightening their belts, and those who do not, the State will help them"

  21. Nick Clegg, on the other hand.

    "Every family is tightening their belt at the moment. Government must tighten theirs, too."
    Launch of Make it Happen, July 2008

    "Every family in Britain is tightening their belts for the hard times ahead. It is time for government to tighten its belt too."
    Conference speech, September 2008
