Friday, January 16, 2009

Nice One Gordon, Nice One Son

Readers of the Guido Fawkes blog will know that Gordon Brown is rapidly gaining a reputation for jinxing any company he visits. Within weeks or months they tend to go bust.

So I was interested to see which football club the Prime Minister visited today…

Something to bring joy to the heart of any West Ham or Arsenal fan...

I wonder if anyone has warned Craig Bellamy?

UPDATE: Have a look at this hilarious video of Gordon Brown playing Wiff Waff with Harry Redknapp. I wonder which of his advisers thought it was a good idea for a man who can't see out of one eye to play table tennis... Another mobile phone bites the dust...


  1. "Tottenham Hotspur's problems, which ah, started in the USA...."

  2. Are they still letting him out unsupervised?

  3. great who's idea was it to let jonah anywhere near spurs? were in enough trouble as it is!

  4. does this gordon has put the jinx on spurs this weekend?


    cheers uncle trevor.

  5. I am taking the hard shots for the country because I know it is The Right Thing To Do.

  6. Harry's revenge for the heavy-handed dawn raid?

  7. Doesn't Gordon have an ex-BBC carer to ensure such visual gaffes don't happen?

  8. The Curse of Jonah.

    But isn't Spurs due to play Portsmouth, which Harry also managed before he left for Spurs?

    What could go wrong?

  9. Did he not have Blunkett there to see the bigger picture for him?

    The Penguin

  10. Cheers for this Iain - just off to put my life savings on Portsmouth to win.

  11. Now I am all of care in the community, but come on making him PM!?

  12. I for one have no intention of being mean over Gordon's wiff waff attempt. I think it was sporting of him to try, not sporting to expect him to do it, or, if so, then do it very well.

    Just my $0.02.

  13. I would rather you concentrate your comments on the dangers posed by his economic policies than take the p!ss out of the fact that he is partially blind.

  14. I was very careful to do nothing of the sort. But you thought you'd make out I did anyway.
