Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mr Motivator Meets Mr Demotivator

Did anyone see Gordon Brown on GMTV? Apparently he chickened out of exercising with Mr Motivator (well, who wouldn't...) and told him he'd just got back from his run. Hmmm. Likely.


  1. Just got back from his run? On the Pound, perhaps?

  2. Mr Motivator for PM.

    It's not like he could do a worse job.

  3. I do blame you Iain for giving Brown warning on last night's blog.

    Think of the repercussions if he had actually appeared in Lycra....

  4. Dodgy bowels? I was always sceptical. I read a paean by Alison Pearson (I think) last year who was wibbling on about the fact that even the slightest knock could detach his retina, which if true, means his whole exercise routine has to be controlled - so the chances of him going running are zilch.

    Honesty? Not 'alf?

  5. But Iain, you PROMISED. Brown Lycra never seemed that likely, now did it?

  6. Can he run? Or even hide? Perhaps we wish he did both. Go on Brown run away there is a good chap!
