Friday, January 16, 2009

Met Corrects Right Wing Google Ad Campaign Mistake

Remember a couple of weeks ago I ran a story about the Metropolitan Police running ads urging us to root out Right Wing extremists. I have an update.

After seeing the story on my blog Conservative Police Spokesman David Ruffley took it up with the Met. Apparently they bought advertising for the keywords: extreme, extremism and Islamic extremist – but apparently Google also automatically creates adword campaigns for commonly searched phrases that include these keywords (such as right-wing extremism). Having seen the story on my blog, the Met spoke to Google and now the campaign only runs if ‘extremism’ is in the search term – and the advert will instead be titled ‘Extremism’ rather than ‘Right-wing extremism’.

Good. All's well that ends well then. Now there's just the small matter of Damian Green to resolve...


  1. Interesting explanation Iain - however, I doubt that it is correct. From what I know of Google Adwords, it does not introduce words that the purchaser has not specified. Therefore at some point the ad agency was instructed by someone at the Met to use those words or that exact phrase.

    The problem here seems clear - confusion about what constitutes an "extremist", which is endemic now through the sub-moronic interpretors of PC in the world of NuLab governing-droids.

    I abhor for example the recent decision to sack a BNP member from the Immigration Service - if the BNP were a banned terrorist organisation, this would be acceptable, but to sack people from civil service jobs because they are members of a legal political party is itself a faschist act.

  2. What's wrong with outing right wing extremists? I know of one crackpot living in Alaska....

  3. Oh yeah - Iain - speaking of right wing extremists - did you know that Eric Pickles is giving a talk on Jan 30 at the 'local' con club? arrrgghhhhhh!!!


  4. Despairing Liberal, I am glad we have found something we can agree on at long last!!

  5. I hope the Tories are going to do a similar thing with lefty extremist's!

  6. This change seems to be even worse.

    Now anybody with a view (on anything) that one or more people think is extreme is somehow akin to a criminal.

    I have an extreme view, and I challenge the Police to have me investigated concerning it. I think the Police and the whole CJS should be FAR better funded. I think the rate of increase in funding should be extreme. Anything less than an extreme acceleration in the rate of increase will result in massive cuts.
    I think members of the Police forces should be feted as heroes, for wiping society's collective arse every day, while being denigrated as toadies of an inept, extremist, 'do harm' government.

  7. Sorry we seem to be at odds that often in your perception Iain - I do actually agree with quite a few things you say, you are certainly over on the more intelligent end of the tory party. I just get a bit fed up sometimes with your more obvious Daily Mailisms but I suppose you need to grab audience along with the rest of them.

    On that subject, what on earth are you London tories going to do when Lebedev completes his Guardianisation of the Evening Standard? There will be no place to go! Although apparently it will still support Boris, rather strangely. Could it be that Lebedev is not quite the centrist the London chattering classes are hoping for?

  8. Apropos the Ad, I sent an e-mail to the Met regarding this.
    I'd like to think that I helped in some little way but I probably didn't. I've certainly had no reply from them.

  9. Phew! That's that cleared up then!
    And I believe every word of the explanation.

  10. I think there are more issues than just Damien Green.

    The Penguin

  11. To add to DL's comment, the copy for ads presented on Google Adwords is written by the client - not by the system.

    Therefore, someone at the Met wrote that ad - plain and simple.

    BTW, word verification: extrim (honestly - I have a screen grab)

  12. As Dominic said.
    Google does adwords does nothing off it's own back, and certainly doesn't write advertising copy or add extra keywords to your campaign.

    This was set up by an actual "human" being

  13. I too sent a complaint to the met as did a lot of friends,could they have actually listened??????
