Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lord Snooty Tells Irish They Have No Right of Veto

If I were advising the No Campaign on the Irish second referendum I would tell them to make great use if this quote from British Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch-Brown...

"With 24 countries having approved the treaty, I am not sure whether the voters of Ireland should have a right of veto over the aspirations of all the other people of Europe. I am not sure whether that is, or is not democracy."

It represents a typical 'we know better than you attitude which permeates the minds of supercilious diplomats like him. And it ill behoves an appointed member of the House of Lords to lecture the Irish about democracy.


  1. What a joke for Malloch Brown to complain about a lack of democracy. Where's our referendum you two-faced hypocrite?

    It's shameful that only Ireland has even been asked to vote on this after it was previously rejected elsewhere in it's near identical earlier form.

    And even then Ireland is only had a referendum because its political leaders were compelled to by their constitution.

    Don't talk to us about democracy, Malloch Brown. Get yourself elected and then ask the people properly.

  2. "over the aspirations of all the other people of Europe"

    as one person who is included by this fool in his useage of the word 'all'. I object. I have not had any opportunity to express my support for or my rejection of The Lisbon treaty.

    One day, I pray, people who support the EU will wake up and realise what a totalitarian monster has been created, without a vote being cast in its favour.

    We elect MEP's who have no power! Power is all contained within the Council of Ministers.Of which you will find no minutes. The MEP's are to give the EU a semblance of democracy.

    The only vote the British people have had was to join a 'Common Market' Enoch Powell and Wedgie Benn have both been proved right.

    If the Irish were to say Yes then the only way out of the EU, believe it or not, is not a peaceful one. For those that doubt it, study the treaties carefully.

  3. Did he not understand that the Treaty needs to be ratified by EVERY member state, otherwise it cannot be adopted?

    But what do Eurofederalists understand about playing to the rules?

  4. Mr. Shallow-Clown is just another example of the unelected and unelectable dross that has made it into government under the patronage of brown.

  5. Never been elected to any office, which explains his 'uncertainty' about what is and what is not democracy, a concept which has never figured in his life. He is a dirigiste bureaucrat to his fingertips, used to patronising tribal leaders in the third world from the back of a limousine. A perfect fit within Brown's government of all the tossers.

  6. Save repeating myself

    The Penguin

  7. Excellent stuff. The more pompous, unelected asses who sound off like that the better. Let's make sure the Irish get to hear his words of wisdom.

  8. I think Lord Malloch-Brown exposes the Government's true aspirations.

    Democracy is something that happens within states, not between them. So presumably the Government's view is that the EU should be a state, since he believes democracy should operate on a European rather than a national level.

  9. Somehow it is difficult to conclude that an English milord lecturing the Irish on anything is likely to have the effect he is looking for. Is he: totally ignorant of history and the character of the Irish; a closet opponent of the constitution (sorry treaty)or alternatively just plain stupid?

  10. I think you're all being beastly to Lord Malloch Brown, really I do. To get a man so bathed in corruption, indolence, conceit, irrelevance and bullshit from the senior tier of Kofi 'just a few million guv' Annan's awe inspiring UN was a great scoop.

    There's the right way, the wrong way and the UN way. This man knows how to spell democracy but that's as far as it goes.

  11. It is more than that, Iain, it is the presumption that Sovereignty now rests with the EU and Nation States are just provinces to be run by a Gaulieter. The votes of those provinces are subordinate to the Supranation.

    The fact that the Tories are not proposing a referendum on withdrawal from this Sociofascist Authoritarian Superstate is a badge of shame.

  12. You've got to love Malloch Brown's thought, "I am not sure whether that is, or is not democracy." I'd say that if being an unelected member of a government led by an unelected PM & stuffed to the gills with unelected political appointees from the House of Lords is democracy, then it probably is. I await my ticket to Guantanamo.

  13. I am sure that is democracy.

    Talking of democracy, we haven't had one neverendum yet, let alone two.

  14. Spot on Iain making the comment about the House of Lords and Irish Democracy. I sometimes wonder if any of the NuLaBore people have any sense of history at all.

  15. And what are the Tories going to do about Europe?

    In it but not run by it?

    Or maybe some other stupid phrase that masks their acceptance of the status quo?

    Don't mock the politicians if your party stands on the sidelines and does nothing for our democracy.

  16. Perhaps Malloch Brown has just caught a dose of Gordon's "save the world" virus.
    Here's hoping the Irish make it even worse for him,please.

  17. Thank you Ireland for being the only group really protecting the aspirations of the vast majority of the People of Europe.

    ps who TF elected this twat Malloch Brown to speak for all of us in any case

  18. Got to have a go on this:

    What a stupid man.
