Monday, January 12, 2009

Let it Go, Ken!

From Andrew Gilligan's Standard column today...
On Saturday, in his new role as the sorest loser in the history of the world, Ken staged his own separate, unofficial, ex-mayors-only DLR opening ceremony at Woolwich, two days before Boris's. How stratospherically sad is that?


  1. "the sorest loser in the history of the world"

    Coming from Gilligan that's a bit rich

  2. "Ken staged his own separate, unofficial, ex-mayors-only DLR opening ceremony at Woolwich, two days before Boris's. "

    *adopts Nelson Muntz voice* "Ha ha!"

  3. Jimmy, you mong, Gilligan was proven to be 100% right, and it cost David Kelly his life. And several buckets of Whitewash to cover it up as "suicide".

    The Penguin

  4. Livinghell is like one of the zombies that keep returning to the shopping mall in the Dawn Of The Dead movies. For a while there he was turning up at Mayor's question time. I wouldn't be surprised if the twat was sneaking into to city hall at night and secretly phoning hugo chavez from the mayor's office phone...

    The comic tragedy that has befallen livingstone could be a microcosmic (near) future metaphor for the inevitable demise of the disgusting regime that governs us. I have a feeling they'll have to be dragged out of office kicking and screaming.

  5. Who was on watch when the Woolwich Arsenal link was commissioned and implemented?

    Has anyone spotted the difference between the previous Mayor's commitment to public transport and the present Mayor's commitment to a few Routemaster substitutes by -- err -- 2012 or so, which is into the next mayoral term? (How many? What greater cost cost? Why no worthwhile consultation with concerned Boroughs? What happened to the commitment to conductors? Why will the new arrangements be so less convenient, so un-Green? Why is planned capacity being progressively reduced? How do you replace a 521 articulated bus on the Strand underpass?)

    And let's gloss over the Cross River Tram, the Thames Gateway Bridge (what's the state of play on the replacement ski-lift?), and the odd £50-70M up the spot on the WEZ.

    There's still over three more years for the other chickens to come home to roost.

    Gilligan has the traditional journalistic reverse-ferret as his get-out. What's Blasted Boris's?

  6. Gilligan has very quickly established himself as London's worst journalist. He struggles to distinguish his work between news copy and comment and is seemingly incapable of looking at Boris's mayoralty with any objectivity.

    And as for going on websites and praising your own work, while pretending to be someone else - a charge he has never denied - well, that's just pathetic.

    All in all, just another reason not to read the Evening Standard anymore.

    Why you are reading his drivel with any seriousness beggars belief.

  7. Penguin,

    I find it pretty tawdry that people use Kelly's death to score points. Ultimately it was all too much for him but if you're looking for scapegoat then look no further than the "alleged" journalist who stitched him up and then doctored his notes once the only witness was conveniently out of the way. He's gone from the BBC to the Evening Hitler where he's found his level.

  8. Like a really bad fart, Livingstone is.

    wv : plophoo. Quite

  9. Jimmy said...

    I find it pretty tawdry that people use Kelly's death to score points."

    Jimmy, people like you disgust me. The ability of those on the left to airbrush inconvenient or downright evil episodes from their memories or conscience is a capability that has always fascinated me.

    There's nothing tawdry about reminding people of the fact that a decent man, who cared about the truth was hounded to his death by a vile regime.

    Gilligan may not be everyone's cup of tea. However, by exposing the lies, corruption and immorality that drives the regime you so obviously love and sustain, he did a great service to the decent people of the UK and the innocent Iraqi victims of the biggest failure in UK foreign policy and the worst abuse of UK governmental power in living memory.

    As I wrote earlier, you disgust me, but no doubt you'll claim that you were only following orders...

  10. Burke and Hare ride again.

    Colin, I'm not going to play this game with you. Try and show a little decency.
