Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An Immac-ulate advert

Apparently this is funny. I have no idea why. But then, I wouldn't, would I?


  1. Goodbye, Bush indeed. And no more Dick. Tough times, for all, ahead.

  2. Wait, in what context are they referring to "Bush" here?

  3. That wasn't the only one. There was an advert in Tuesday's Daily Mail for an electric shaver. The caption was "get rid of all that stubble". The picture was of President Bush looking rather rough!

  4. I heard Mandelson was having the full Brazilian.

  5. Iain, to fill you in Veet is a lady's product used for removing unwanted pubic hair :)

  6. Nicobulus, I think Iain knew that already- hence the joke.

  7. Ambitious vets should start buying ad space in the Times Eduacational Supplement for May 2010.

    word verification: panti

  8. A few years ago, BBC World Service broadcast footage of female protester holding up a placard with

    'the only bush I trust is my own'

    The fact that they broadcast this primetime shows they didn't really understand it either.

  9. "Hi baby, you are going to owe US$ 100,000 of national debt when you grow up!"

  10. Well done to that advertising firm! In the days of pcness it is refreshing to see such an ad!

  11. Dave H: er, not really, it's not like the placard had swearwords on it, is it? Or do you think the *concept* that people have pubic hair should be purged from our TVs?

  12. They keep calling him the first black president, but he is not he is of mixed race. but his white mother appears not to exsist.
