Sunday, January 18, 2009

How to Spend Your Way Out of a Recession

Watch the first two minutes of this New Statesman episode from 1991. It's almost as if Gordon Brown had watched it shortly before writing his economic rescue plan, isn't it? And watch out for an appearance by Piers Fletcher-Dervish Ed Balls. Uncanny, isn't it?

Hattip for video tip to Tory Farm Boy


  1. Disturbingly, I wouldn't discount the possibility that Gordon got some of his ideas for dealing with a recession from this. His political career has mostly consisted of stealing other people's ideas and policies before pretending that he believed them all along. He's the equivalent of a magpie.

  2. C'est les bollox du chien.

    OT - Iain - you gonna publicize this Henry Porter thang? I'm getting a bit worried about where the boundaries of this movement of liberty end - it's all very well saying no to this and that (fair play, no worries) but what is prescribed?

    I loved Helena Kennedy's Power Commission thang but would never agree to it - anywho, £35 nicker seems reasonable - cheap seats in Manchester unfortunately.

  3. No chance of this happening here.

    SALARIES of top civil servants and ministers, who have a sizable chunk of their salaries linked to the performance of Singapore's gross domestic product, will fall 12 to 20 per cent this year as a 'sharp' recession threatens to increase job losses and hurt lending.
    The total salaries at the ministerial grade (MR4), will fall by 20 per cent to $1.54 million, while the pay at the SR9 level (entry superscale grade) will fall by 12 per cent to $351,000 a year, compared to 2008.
