Monday, January 12, 2009

A Great Campaign Video From the Tories

I've only just seen this video produced by CCHQ which was showcased at the campaign launch this morning. Guido reckons it's rather similar to an Obama one. Good. Whoever produced it at CCHQ deserves a medal. It's simple to the point and highly effective. More please.


  1. It's very good actually. Visually very striking and manages to get the message across very effectively. Someone's finally doing their job at CCHQ.

  2. Most. St Georgified. Union Flag. Ever.

  3. If you want to jumble words, how about -

    Brown, the, Britain, is, stuff, in.

    Nice to see national emblems...and it will be even nicer when the Luton vote, where 54% want out of the EU total, is taken on board by Cameron. Then we can really get Britain's economy moving - free from the Brussels totalitarian nightmare.

  4. Not only is it rubbish... it's boring rubbish... easily surpassed by many YouTube amateurs... and let's not even mention the baby video own goal... which will end up in thousands of women getting their breasts out in protest... er... great job chaps.

  5. Do u know that the new election will have good and bad impacts on the India after Obama? Outsourcing industry of India is in panic since, the statements of Obama have had been twisted by media and intellectuals in such a manner that a havoc got created that outsourcing work to India will be curtailed. On the contrary, Indian Healthcare and Pharma companies have every reason to cheer over the victory of Obama in US as he has pledged to strengthen global fund.

  6. At the end I was half expecting DC to be sat there saying 'I'm David Cameron, and I approve this message'

  7. "Nice to see national emblems...and it will be even nicer when the Luton vote, where 54% want out of the EU total, is taken on board by Cameron."

    There was a poll on ConHome putting the figure wishing to leave the EU at just 10%. I am no fan of the EU but public support for departure isn't as high as you seem to think it is.

    "which will end up in thousands of women getting their breasts out in protest..."

    I suspect most people couldn't give a toss.

  8. So the message seems to be - Labour is in huge debt. Indubitably. Now Labour got to this position by letting the financial markets go unregulated, building up a mountain of debt built on a wobbly foundation of ever rising house prices - a kind of Ponzi scheme. Labour was deaf to the agonised pleas of Tory MPs calling for regulation of the financial markets, calling for the reining in the profits of financial institutions, re-balancing the needs of the real economy relative to the financial markets, which are predicated on the assumption that a social construct (money) can be treated as a commodity.

    Sorry, I missed all the Conservative critique of Labour's market policies. I must have been too busy pondering the mystery of how like the Tories
    NuLabour has become...

  9. It is funny that it is principally men complaining about the bottle with the baby - viz Harry Hook at 5.19am.

    Most women I know - who have actually had a baby and know rather more than any men about the trials and tribulations of breast feeding - would not be bothered about the bottle one iota. Apart from anything else, many (including my wife (first time around)), would love their husband or partner to use a bottle for the midnight feed so that they can get a good night's sleep - using breast milk that has been expressed (or even, God forfend, formula).

  10. Even though I am on message, I found the video too long and too overtly manipulative.

    Few uncommitted people will stay to the end - I didn't.

    The jumbling of the words to supposedly make one concentrate on the message was so obvious a device that many will resent it as an insult to their intelligence. Also continuing to do so for so long just made it irritating.

    It is also likely to trigger a load of spoofs ridiculing the Conservatives by way of riposte.

    Not impressed.

  11. Doc Richard asks where the criticisms of New Labour's policies on house prices and debt were - well, if he does a little research he will come up with repeated criticisms of the house price and debt bubbles going back to about 2002.

    If he wants criticism of the 1998 and 2000 re-organisation of financial regulation, he should consult the specialist press - and the specialist legal bodies that expressly questioned the wisdom of the reforms to banking and financial services regulation and asserted that some of it would mean that regulation would be less effective that the existing regime. I was at a meeting of the Chancery Bar Association where the wisdom of the 'purposive' regulatory regime was expressly questioned by member after member - and the person being questioned was the putative head of the new FSA, Howard Davies - who effectively said that the FSA and the Government wanted that regulatory regime because they wanted to be able to determine what was lawful or not ...

  12. So the Tories have given up on the UK and decided to brand themselves as the English party?

  13. It's a Union Flag faded into the Conservative blue sky background - nothing uniquely English.

  14. Evan Price said...
    "It is funny that it is principally men complaining about the bottle with the baby - viz Harry Hook at 5.19am."

    Hookie said...
    "In 1981 the WHO/UNICEF International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes was adopted by the World Health Assembly. This Code bans all promotion of bottle feeding and sets out requirements for labelling and information on infant feeding."

  15. Because Britain deserves better. With thanks to ACL Blair for that slogan.

  16. Great clip, not entirely original though. Something of a rip off 'The Girl Effect' (stick it in YouTube). For more analysis check out my blog which is purely concerned with political advertising.

  17. Evan Price said "Doc Richard asks where the criticisms of New Labour's policies on house prices and debt were - well, if he does a little research he will come up with repeated criticisms of the house price and debt bubbles going back to about 2002".

    I apologise if my remarks were unfair to the Conservative Party, but Evan does not state that they were coming from that source or its MPs. I was working from the fact of general philosophical support of the Conservatives to the free unregulated market.

    I hope we can now all agree that free market fundamentalism is as dead as the command economy, and that what we need is a market guided into the paths of ecological sustainability and social equity.

  18. 'Hookie' refers to the WHO/UNICEF code - the relevance of the point to the political advertisement relating to debt and its effect on my children their generation is not explained - and I repeat, the criticisms of the use of a baby feeding from a bottle appear to be from men ... ignorant as we all are.

    Doc Richard, I am sorry but I don't agree that the market should be guided "into the paths of ecological sustainability and social equity".

    This would leave us with regulation defined by the whims and whimsy's of whoever was in power to define the 'ecological sustainability and social equity'. It would also ignore the need for risks to be taken, the need for certainty in the law and the need for and consequences of innovation.

    BTW, I don't agree with any assertion that the market in the UK has ever been regulated by 'free market fundamentalists' ...
