Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Saturday

1. Tom Harris explains why he has no regrets over his yes vote on Iraq and why Tony Blair is simply fab.
2. Lobbydog on how a US political interviewer rubbed herself against Gordon Brown.
3. Bob Piper appears to both defend and attack Gordon Brown over British Jobs for British workers. He should be a LibDem.
4. Richard Willis asks why no one saw our imminent bankruptcy coming.
5. Kerry McCarthy MP explains why she votes for the government.
6. Political Betting asks if this is the winter of our discontent.


  1. "Bob Piper appears to both defend and attack Gordon Brown over British Jobs for British workers. He should be a LibDem".


    If I recall correctly, Iain Dale is a LibDem!

  2. I believe Iain is a good Conservative. The point about the LibDems is a pertinent one, they don't know what they believe - even when their leader lasts as long as The Clegg has miraculously managed!

  3. I have forgotten what the post was about - but aint Iain sexy?

  4. “Richard Willis asks why no one saw our imminent bankruptcy coming.”

    Seems not to mention the sainted (and even more ubiquitous than Iain Dale) Vince Cable for some unfathomable reason...
