Friday, January 09, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Dan Hannan asks why journalists aren't supporting their colleague arrested for investigating EU fraud.
2. Tom Harris doesn't seem to like his namesake who's in the Big Brother House.
3. Chris Whiteside says Putin is making the case for nuclear power.
4. PoliticalBetting reckons Ming is worth a bet as next Speaker.
5. Mark Valladeres defends the LibDems against my charge that they are anti-Israel.
6. Donal Blaney urges John McCain to go away.
7. Matt Wardman has some advice for Derek Draper.
8. Ellee Seymour on the changing face of the British High Street.
9. Centre Right on a Gordon Brown PR stunt which has backfired.
10. Robert Peston on some truly appalling economic statistics released today.
11. The curmudgeonly Ben Brogan has bad news for both major parties.
12. Alix Mortimer reflects on the LibDem Cold Calls.


  1. It's not that I don't like Tommy, Iain - from a personal point of view it's hard not to like him. I just get tired of lazy journalists who end up writing an incorrect version of history.

  2. Dear Iain,

    My name is John Wilpers. I am the Global Blog Coordinator for GlobalPost, a new international news organization set to launch on Jan. 12 (see

    My job is to build a list of blogs that will appear on GlobalPost where we will have approximately 65 correspondents in some 46 countries. We are looking for enlightening, informative posts from bloggers writing (in English) in those countries.

    I am pleased to extend an invitation to you to have the most recent post of "Iain Dale's Diary" included on the U.K. page of as part of our “Global Blogs” service. (I also sent you an e-mail to double the chances of reaching you before we launch next week. Please pardon my enthusiasm for getting your posts onto!)

    After reviewing thousands of blogs worldwide, we have found "Iain Dale's Diary" to be one that is thought provoking and gives readers your unique perspective on what life, and especially politics, is really like in U.K. You are clearly extraordinarily well plugged in; you write in a delightfully conversational style ("YeGods. Have they learnt nothing from the last 15 years? Whoever has been doing this briefing needs to be identified, tasered and then strung up from Vauxhall Bridge for a public flogging"), and you address an astonishing variety of topics (from politics to football to education to personalities...).

    The way it would work if you accept our invitation is that we would use your RSS feed to place your most recent post on your personal page on We would point back to your actual blog for comments and for archives, hopefully driving lots of traffic to your site. Each time you write a new post, it would replace the older one so only one post would appear on

    By appearing on Global Post’s exciting new international news website, your words, viewpoints, and pictures would gain worldwide exposure. Your posts would not only appear instantly on but also possibly on the sites of our partners, including the Huffington Post (7.8 million U.S. and 9.7 million global monthly unique visitors) and other news and information websites.

    You don’t need to do anything differently. We do request that you consider pointing back to us from your blog (we will send out logos shortly for your consideration).

    You should know that we have a few guidelines that we observe here at Global Post:

    1) We do not publish racist, sexist, or misogynist comments (unless those comments are the subject of the post).
    2) We do not publish obscene language or photos. While we recognize that obscenity can be difficult to define, we know it when we see it and we will let you know if we think you have crossed our line.
    3) We do not permit plagiarism. Any work taken from another source must be attributed to that source.
    4) We do not publish libelous or slanderous language.
    5) We do not tolerate repeated errors of fact or misrepresentations of facts or quotes.
    6) We do not publish work inciting violence.

    Failure to observe these guidelines would result in the removal of your blog from GlobalPost. We would contact you, of course, to discuss the post in question.

    Because we have a broad multicultural audience holding every conceivable political and religious viewpoint, we want to respect their views while also possibly challenging them. We will host controversial work. We will encourage robust debate of the hottest topics. We will not stifle discussion, only abuse of people, belief systems, and laws.

    We hope these guidelines are acceptable to you.

    I look forward getting your permission to put your RSS feed on our site. Please reply to: Thank you!


    John Wilpers

    PS If you choose to accept our invitation and would like a photo and a short biography to appear on GlobalPost, please send both to me with your confirmation e-mail or at some time shortly thereafter.

    Global Blog Coordinator
    The Pilot House
    Lewis Wharf
    Boston, MA 02110

  3. Maybe if you link up with John you get Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock a link!

    I have started this new blog on Brown! It does not have a picture of turkey's or green gas on it!

    The BBC interview was interesting by the way, I watched it because you highlighted it on your page. I was surprised they did not try talking about fancy dress parties!

  4. Maybe my blog could be included on GlobalPost as well?!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Why does that pitch sound like it'd cost Dale money?
