Monday, January 05, 2009

Brown Lines Up His Excuses

Late last year Alistair Darling said in the PBR that the recession would last eight months and that because we were "uniquely placed" we would emerge from the downturn in the last quarter of 2009. If that happens no doubt Gordon Brown will be the first to claim all the credit. Or maybe he will say the Upturn "started in America". Fat chance.

However, even the Treasury is now admitting that the recession is going to last a lot longer than Darling predicted. Asked on TV whether the recession could last two years, Brown came out with this corker...

"I think that depends on the level of international co-operation."

Translation: Nothing to do with us 'guv. No Sirree.

The man's hubris is incredible. He's already getting his excuses ready for the day he has to defend 3 million unemployed under a Labour government - A LABOUR government! The message is: blame it on the stinking foreigners who wouldn't give us their money and stole our jobs. Shameless.


  1. How on earth is that a translation?

    Are you suggesting international co-operation is unimportant?

    I do agree however that you don't normally expect to see such high unemployment levels under a Labour government.

  2. 1. 'Labour isn't working - again'

    2. He's always been deceitful - why's now going to be any different?

    3. 'International co-operation= more regulation = doom'. Or 'International co-operation = free trade = wealth creation'. Which is Brown's choice?


  3. Is Cameron going to be strong enough to rescue us as Mrs T once had to? I hope so.

  4. Brown is a disgrace.

    He should also be checked over by a good psychiatrist. ( After all why should he be in charge of our Nuclear weapons without a check-up from the neck up. Cameron should announce that in future all senior cabinet ministers will have their health checked regularly, including mental health - that would put pressure on Brown to have to do the same. )

  5. Labour Labour Labour - Out! Out! Out!

    Please don't get me started on those STINKING LIBERAL DEMOCRATS!

  6. Hang on!
    So unelected Brown who didn’t see the recession coming, obviously, & so made no plans to look after Britain in the bad times because they would never come, doesn’t know when the recession will end! Well knock me down with a feather!

  7. So, the man who failed to balance a budget any year since before Blair got re-elected, thinks this depends on "international co-operation", does he?

    Is that "international co-operation" to buy the £500 billion of debt he plans to issue over the next seven years? (After issuing £250bn in the last seven).

    Brown will go down in history as the man, not who bankrupted Britain, but who sold it off to foreign Governments, "uniquely placed to weather the difficult times ahead".

    Translation = have enough cash to buy whole countries now they've been ruined by high spending Governments who thought saving for a rainy day was just so 1980s! or, NOT US!

  8. One of the most pressing problems for brown and his fellow regime henchmen is that the UK's home grown, personal, unsecured debt bubble, driven directly by his domestic policies is about to burst with an almighty bang. He's running out of time and he knows it.

    You can bet your last pound that this disgusting cynic and his acolytes are working overtime to identify a way to stay in power, rather than ease the burden his failed policies have saddled us with.

    I'm sure also that uppermost in his mind is the knowledge that if the regime is driven from office, the unvarnished truth in relation to their failures, lies and graft, across a wide spectrum of government, will be laid bare.

  9. There's the nauseating line "We will/are do/ing everything in our power to save x". Doing nothing but winding me up.

    Following on from the previous mention of unbalance budgets, it's amazing that Labour can say the Tory proposals are unfunded. How so compared to their fiscal record?

    Does Gordon Brown know what the truth looks like?

  10. When Guido started referring to Macavity as the Prime Mentalist, I now see exactly what he was talking about. How did such an awful specimen become leader of the country?

  11. "Brown Lines Up His Excuses."

    Precisely Iain, I thought the same myself when I heard him say it. When the time comes, he will trot out the line that he didn't receive the international cooperation he expected to save the world.

    What a devious, mendacious, unpleasant little man he is.

  12. Iain - he has been preparing his excuses along this line since before Christmas. Indeed at his Press Conference on 19th December, he was asked:

    "In 12 months time, next Christmas, what yardsticks would you like us to use to gauge the impact of the government’s measures for easing the effect of recession? Do you for instance expect unemployment to have peaked by next Christmas?"

    His response...

    "These questions about what is going to happen in the next year, it depends upon whether we can get the coordinated international action that we want..."

  13. I disagree with your translation, Iain.

    To me it says:

    "I have another excuse to pursue One World Government".

    Don't expect Dave to oppose this...just THINK of the sinecures...

    Gordon really is going to have to be taken out in a straightjacket. That, or the front door will bear the marks of his chewed fingernails as he is dragged bodily away.

  14. Osburne had a nice line saying
    "this Labour recession"
    on radio 5 earlier.

    like it.Hopefully the Conservatives will learn to just keep repeating these sorts of lines.

    This Labour recession.Short and to the point. Labour recession.

  15. Tony Blair said that Brown is psychologically flawed and that Ken Livingstone would be disasterous for London.
    I wouldn't disagree on either point.

    Will the Tories (if elected) do anything about the BBC's support of Labour. The Andrew Marr Show

  16. Like what?

    It's not going to be as easy to close down as Thames was.

  17. Reality check Iain. We live in an interconnected world. It's not like Osborne is offering any sense whatsoever. Just really crappily thought through idiocies that mostly help the relatively rich.

    A phoney phooey Council Tax Freeze;
    Carping at overpaid local govt wallahs - mostly in Tory authorities;
    A ridiculously regressive IHT raid for Debretts;
    An urge to save money ... driving deflation, bankruptcy and unemployment presumably;
    And public service cuts to help the most well off pensioners preferentially.

    That'll sort the world out. With that sort of package it won't matter what anyone else does. Not one little bit. The Tories have it nailed.

    Still waiting for the examples of Tory brilliance globally. And still wondering whether Dale and Dorries are now giving the Shadow Chancellor his dopey lines. Somebody must be coming up with them? He can't be that brilliant himself can he?

  18. Man in a shed:

    Don't worry about the nukes. The clinically sane George Bush has the button for those.

    Cameron will never agree to to fishing expedition on mental health. Just look at the eyes swivelling on his lot of inexperienced and part-time greedy bastard dilettantes.
