Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Bit of Parliamentary Spectator Sport

If you fancy a bit of spectator sport this morning, do pop along to the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House where the Police & Crime Bill Standing Committee is taking evidence from the English Collective of Prostitutes and the UK Sex Workers Network (for it is they). Chairing the bill committee is none other than my old friend Sir Nicholas Winterton. Expect extreme politeness and the occasional sharp intake of breath. And also for the public gallery to be filled by parliamentary sketchwriters.


  1. It will make a great snippet in the Eye.

    Mr Bufton Tufton (Lymeswold West): "What exactly do you mean by punter?" (tittering in the gallery)

    Ms Busty: "You should know darling, I've seen you around!"


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 'Extreme politeness and the occasional sharp intake of breath'.

    If only the life of a sex-worker were that easy.

    wv (first and last time, as the Johns would say): bedesse

  4. Ah, I see that Winterton has not had the decency to resign after being caught troughing the MP's expenses purse not so long ago.

  5. Can't they call themselves the Guild of Seamstresses? Their current name doesn't really roll off the tongue.
