Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BBC Gaffe: Cable is LibDem Leader!

This is a screenshot from the BBC News at Ten, describing Vince Cable as the "Liberal Democrats Leader". Amateur night. But you never know. Whoever was doing the 'astons' may have had more foresight than they realised!


  1. Please no. He's a great spokesperson for the Economy, but a leader he is not.

    Nick Clegg all the way for me. Would be a great PM.

    I for one think a Liberal Democrat government would do this country the world of good :)

  2. Their profile is pretty much non-existent these days, and the only Lib Dem anyone's ever heard of is Vince, yes - Nick Clegg all the way for me too!

  3. "astons"? Are you referring to Anne Aston? My first love, you know. Lovely, lovely girl!

  4. Well Clegg put in a dreadful performance against Brown today. Whilst Cameron smashed Brown to a pulp politically - Clegg was duffed up by Brown.

    Clegg and the Liberal Democrats are doomed at the next election - Yellow Taxi time!

  5. "astons", Iain?


  6. He has a very oddly shaped head!!

  7. I think Cable seems to have been blotted out by Ken Clarke coming back. Ken Clarke is a heavy weight Politicians with masses of experience in the treasury amungst other places. Clarkes presence swots the affable Cable to the side rather like an Elephant does to a fly.

  8. Cable amuses me as he seems to have the same voice/accent as the Queen mother puppet in Spitting Image!

  9. I'm fed up of the BBC backside licking Cable. He's treated like a BBC journalist rather than an old fool who seems to contradict what he says from one day to the next. Contrast how St Vince gets treated by the BBC to how George Osborne get hammered by the BBC.

  10. John said "I for one think a Liberal Democrat government would do this country the world of good."

    Which would make a total of... one, it seems.

  11. Who ever is Liberal Democrat leader at the next election - they and the party are doomed - DOOMED to defeat!

    The whole political food chain of the LD's has collapsed - feeding off the Labour excrement and blooming in places Labour cannot. The next election will be an extinction even tfor the Liberal Democrats.

  12. There is a valid argument, in effect, Labour, Tories, and LibDems have all committed electoral fraud. Moreover, that they have joined in a conspiracy. Given this, does it really matter who is the leader of the 3 main political parties?

    A more apt description of Cable might be "henchman", did he not wield the knife which brought down Ming? In a sense, it reminds me of the Kray Twins and the Richardson Gang.

  13. Why is 'aston' another name for 'caption'? Aston Villa = filler?

  14. John,John, time to wake up buddy, it wasn't a dream, we are skint.

  15. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ......Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ......Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ......Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ......Ha Ha Ha Ha

    When Nick, "not more than 30" Clegg, fulfills that prophecy after the next General Election, he might be, but then he will be doomed, just like every Liberal leader since, err.......Asquith!

  16. Dave Lloyd George was pretty successful. And 30? 30? by Wednesday maybe - randy goat.

  17. Has John been on the waccy baccy?

  18. I presume Astons if from Aston Broadcast Systems who manufacture broadcast captioning equipment

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. For an explanation of what an Aston is, please take a look at

  21. Talking of leaders,Iceland has the world's first openly gay PM.
    At times like these strong sphincters are required!

  22. I'm not surprised; the Beeb put Ann Widdecombe down as a Labour MP a couple of weeks ago!

  23. I suppose it's technically accurate, in that he is "a" Liberal Democrat Leader, he's just not "the" Liberal Democrat Leader.

    I am still hoping for a hung Parliament with the Tories as the largest party - Cameron then takes Cable as Chancellor as part of the deal and dumps the useless Osborne.

    Did anyone see little Osborne in the corner of the camera at PMQs? He looked like some sort of silly Eton schoolboy on an outing to Slough, out with posh David, yawping at the proles. Pathetic smug babyish glee on his stupid face.

  24. Gary, sure, nobodies ever heard of him, that's why even Iain's own polling put him high up the popularity chart.

    Really, some of you sound jealous to me, kind of wishing you didn't have Osborne I think. It's no use going on about how marvellous Ken is (which I happen to agree with) when he's still not Shadow Chancellor.

  25. Martin Day - I agree with you about the LibDems at the next election - I've been saying for months they will have less than 20 seats

  26. Depends kinglear - if Labour collapses, the situation could flip and LibDems take some of the seats Labour would previously have lost to the Tories in such a situation.

    Apparently though there is no huge movement back to the Tories in the South West. So I think we are on the way to some sort of slender Tory majority or else hung.

  27. Of course the LDs want a hung parliament, for that is how they can get their do-goodery wibble-factory fingernails into the pie of power. They can sit and veto policy. Damnable.

  28. I just can't believe they dumped Ming so quickly - it was only the parliamentary party and certain sections of the meeja.

    With demographics being what they are and Ming being who he is, well, it certainly couldn't have been worse than having the odious Shouty. The Lib Dems are quite offensive really.

    What is this fascination with youth in politics? Never understood it, don't want it, don't believe them and won't vote for them.

  29. Lib Dems, the people who the 'don't know' voting option was designed for.

  30. The Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle [aka Peter MacKay]’s column picked this up today. Rather naughty there was no acknowledgement to you, Iain!

    And Jailhouselawyer is quite correct – except I wouldn’t use his word “henchman” – but assassin – because “Brutus” Cable has been grossly disloyal to his leaders. [Perhaps he slipped the BBC a fiver to make his dream come true – on camera at least!] He was instrumental in the letter that ousted Charles Kennedy – and was the joint assassin – with Simon Hughes – in wielding the knife into Ming Campbell. Cleggover had better watch out – “Brutus” Cable has ‘form’.

    And “Despairing Liberal” – January 29, 2009 @ 8:31 AM – is unclear about what is meant by “South West” – as in “there is no huge movement back to the Tories in the South West”. This is not the case in South West London where – on 1 May 2008 – Conservative Assembly Member Tony Arbour won a majority of nearly 27,000 over his Yellow Peril rival, the banana republic of Richmond’s Yellow Peril deputy leader.

  31. Macgregor - Ming decided to resign, he wasn't under any compulsion to do so. But in the long run it will be seen as the right decision and Nick Clegg is gradually becoming the effective leader he can be. Despite a few recent poor performances!

    By the "South-West", it may astonish some of our Metropolitan readers to hear, I did not of course mean "South-West London". No. I meant "South-West England". That is somewhere beyond Slough for those of you who never go beyond a tube line. It is mainly Liberal Democrat.

  32. JR said... “For an explanation of what an Aston is, please take a look at”

    Aah - Aston Broadcast Systems Ltd. Hence Aston.
