Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Who Will be the Faces of 2009?

I'm about to write a feature on the new political faces of 2009. I've got a fair idea of who to include in it, but the wisdom of the crowds (i.e. you!) may suggest a few I haven't thought of. Go to it, readers!


  1. I think faeces would be more appropriate.

  2. I hate to say it but (Yvette Cooper?) - not in a good way

  3. Does Hillary Clinton count?

    Other than that I guess we're looking at a new temporary Thai PM.

    In domestic politics I think several senior policemen will be new political faces.

  4. 1. James Purnell

    2. Peter Mandelson

    3. John Bercow

    4. David Blunkett

    5. Michael Gove

  5. Osborne, Osborne, Osborne.

    He's taken a beasting of late - one can't expect that one of your oldest buds would put the boot in. He's through it and he's angry. Now it's personal (in a husky American accent).

    Dave Davis has to be brought back and Ken Clarke has been doing sterling work - both similar lads - they answer the question!

    Frank Field always and it's looking like Harman will wield the knife.

    Peter Hain & Mandy for the tabloids and general titter value.

    Clegg seems to be growing in confidence - still much work needed but heartening to see. Featherstone's capital has rocketed - perfect for getting women voters out - no nonsense.

    Spellman remains unresolved - problematic.

    It's gonna be a good year for politics and an absolutely terrible one for what they have to deal with.

  6. The New Speaker of the House - T.B.A ;-)

  7. Is Darling gonna do a Reggie Perrin?

  8. Michael Gove is, I think, a potential rising star. I was impressed when I listened to him talk about terrorism at a Standpoint event earlier in the year.
    I also think that ravens and vultures will circle the Labour Government once more, and we will once again have to consider leadership alternatives to Gordon Brown. Not sure if anyone will take it...

  9. The respective presidents and prime minsters of the BRIC countries. Brazil,Russia, India & China. They will be the powerhouses of the future.

  10. here in Wales ,watch Jonathan Morgan Tory AM, very impressed.
    Eluned Morgan MEP, if she gets the Labour leadership
    Kirsty Williams if she becomes Lib Dem leader ( I hope for their sakes its Jenny Randerson) As Kleenex as she is known down here will be a disaster.
    Adam Price Plaid - if he moves to Cardiff Bay from Westminster

  11. Ian Parker-Joseph - because whether you mainstream people like it or not, the Libertarian Party are coming into their own.

  12. I wonder if those suggesting Michael Gove as the face of 2009 have ever actually seen him. Miaow.

    You didn't say UK faces, so I'll have to say it'll be Obama. I'm fed up with it already.

    (we have The Chosen One in the Whitehouse, Moses at No.10 and the Prince of Darkness over at Trade. It's all getting rather biblical. Actually Gordon's more like Pharaoh, real name Sheshonk, a brooding, autocratic bugger who tends to lead his people to disaster, "We are well-prepared to withstand the Red Sea")

  13. Sarah Palin, of course.....she just will not fade away. She will be the one of the major power brokers in the Republican Party's rebirth - and it will be so sweet to watch how much it irritates so many of your sniffy right wing blimps as well as your liberal/left trolls...

  14. You - provided you tell that bumptious Baroness to grow up next time you do the papers with her.

  15. Shriti Vadera - architect of the banking disaster/success

    Mervyn King - Interest rates at 0%, BOE out of weapons....

    Nigel Farage (euro election year?)

    NB When compiling the list remember how important the economy is going to be in the news agenda for 09.

  16. Angus Robertson MP - key as a possible SNP referendum gets closer, and as they seek to beat Lab. for share of the vote in Euro Elections.

    On which note, Nigel Farage, love him or hate him.

    Also, June Euro elections means a big year for Caroline Flint...

    Caroline Lucas is a good call.

    "Valleys Mam" - Eluned Morgan is standing down next year, as is Glenys Kinnock (both to Lords?)

    That tw*t Griffin might get elected, in which case he will disappear from trace when he has to play with the big boys.

  17. I wonder whether Charles Kennedy will make a comeback to the Lib Dem frontbench to improve their polling fortunes through effective media performances. I expect Michael Gove to do the same for the Tories.

    Perhaps DC will realise that John Redwood's recent run of excellent economic analysis warrants his inclusion in the Shadow Cabinet? Would DC contemplate splitting his Shadow Treasury team into the Office of the Shadow Chancellor and the Office of the Budget Director? It might be a wise move, which would allow Osborne to stay whilst Redwood came onboard to add some needed weight and credibility to the conveying of the Opposition's economic policies.

    For Labour, I would expect James Purnell and Ed Miliband to be given more exposure, perhaps at the expense of Brother David.

  18. I suspect Tony McNulty will make it onto the Cabinet. I wouldn't be suprised t see Charles Kennedy and Ken Clarke brought back onto their parties respective front benches.

  19. Yates of the Yard - the real beneficiary of the Damian Green Affair.

  20. John Denham - a grown up politician

    Alan Duncan - an interesting history.

  21. Lady Macbeth though she is, Caroline Flint

  22. Patrick Harvie MSP - watch how the Scottish Budget's shaping up.

  23. Harry
    She is standing down from Europe but bets are on that she will stand in Cardiff west as an AM and then lead the Assembly here.
    or she may get the sfaer seat of Pontypridd as Jane Davidson who is in the Cabinet is standing down
    Its about time Mrs Kinnock stood down.
