Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a Dick

I can hardly believe I am typing this, but has 5 Live lost its marbles? Their commissioning honcho has just booked Richard Madeley to host three shows in the new year in place of Richard Bacon. I ask you. A presenter less suited to the 5 Live listenership I can barely imagine. Except...

Coming Soon: Judy Finnegan hosts 5 Live Sport...


  1. Honestly there is not much to choose between the two Richards.

    There are people eminently more capable than both of them.

  2. I would have thought Madeley is perfectly suited. That Richard Bacon show caters towards all the imbeciles and idiots that roam this country. It's basically a tabloid chat show which sounds like Madeley material all over.

    No doubt this is another "Omg BBC sucks but I still watch and listen to all their programming," article!

  3. I would rather listen to Richard Madeley than Richard Bacon, but then I'd rather listen to almost anyone (apart from Victoria Derbyshire) instead of Richard Bacon.

  4. Are your grapes not ripe, Iain?

  5. Jesus wept. There is only one broadcaster in Britain who is less self-aware than Richard Bacon. And that is Richard Madeley.

    I doubt he'll want to be lured back to Manchester in a hurry, either. Supermarket managers don't forget.

  6. Indigo: You might find this hard to believe, but Five Live used to be really good back in the days when it commissioned programmes presented by Iain Dale. (I'm not bum-kissing here, Iain, just harking back to the happy days of World Wide Winifred)

  7. After Brand, the BBC took a brave step and have chosen Bland as their watchword.

  8. Madeley was surprisingly good as a Mayo guest talking about his latest book. He'll be fine. Stop being so proprietorial Iain. It's just a radio station. There are dozens of alternatives and usually a couple of options that are palatable.

  9. what exactly is five live?

    richard madeley is just so weird that he makes for compelling viewing - i guess.

  10. oh it's radio. compelling listening then? somehow i think i can live without it..

  11. Don't worry about it Iain, it's only the Brown Broadcasting Corporation; you shouldn't be listening to that crap anyway.

    Start listening to some of the stuff on Internet Radio.
