Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Trimble for Attorney General Says Nick Watt

Nick Watt wrote earlier that David Cameron might well install David Trimble as Attorney General if he wins the next election. No time to lose, I'd say. Do it now. The position is still filled by Dominic Grieve at the moment, but it seems a bit much for it to be combined with the Shadow Home Secretary role. I'd be delighted to see Trimble in the Shadow Cabinet, as I have said before. He would bring some much needed experience and gravitas and would give the Conservatives another big hitter to tour the broadcast studios.

I shall return to the question of a New Year's reshuffle next week.


  1. I've always held him in very high regard, but isn't shadow AG a bit of a non-job?

  2. Personally I can think of another former party leader who is a barrister, who would be better suited to the role. And he's a QC.

    Trimble could be Shadow Solicitor General, I suppose...

  3. Hang on. Wasn't Trimble one of the Ulster Unionists who voted for 42 day detention without trial? I'd be a bt wary putting anyone like that near one of the criminal justice jobs.
