Friday, December 19, 2008

Too Many Links, Mr Mozart

Those of us who continue to blog using the Blogger platform have a problem. Over the last few days the "Links to this post" bit at the end of each post (look at THIS one and you will see what I mean) or the ones at the end of a Permalink show dozens of links which are entirely erroneous as they don't actually have anything to do with the post in question, let alone link to it. A comment on the Miserable Old Fart blog has this explanation...

It may be the same curse that's hit Google Blogs. Now that so many people have a rolling bloglist which shows the most recent posts from different blogs the computer reads this as a link to your blog, even though within a day or so the link has disappeared.

Can anyone confirm this is the reason and suggest how it can be remedied? It's getting very irritating.


  1. Now, isn't this something I pointed out first Iain? On Tuesday? Credit where credit's due. It is clearly coming from some of those who are using the blogger widget for a rolling blogroll. But not all of them. Just train spotters and folkies. Suggests a recent version of the widget is to blame. Blogger should fix it.

  2. There are also problems with Google Alert emails because of this. Annoying but "c'est la vie". That means it won;t just affect Blogger people. If, for example, Bob piper had a Google Alert for his URL he would be seeing this in his email alerts too. I don;t have trackback turned on anyway because it just annoys me.

    Word Verification: hakeds

  3. It's happening on wordpress too. Can't track my links properly either.

  4. Never mind too many links ...

    I am just suffering from listening to Gordon Browns press conference. It is in fact just an opportunity for Brown to ramble on irrespective of the question. One wonders how the assembled press hacks put up with it.

    prattle, prattle , prattle

    Too many words, so little point

  5. Iain, a very erudite reference in your blog post title !

    You have of course studied the artistic history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in minute detail !

    Alan Douglas

  6. Switch to Wordpress hosted on your own server Iain. You'll have much more control and much more flexibility, and the number of plugins available should satisfy any need you have.

  7. Peter O is right of course, and even Guido will be coming off the platform in the New Year. That aside, however, it's a problem with Google Blogs that they are aware of and working on a fix to recitify. Normally doesn't take them long so I would expect to see it fixed by a couple of weeks into the new year. If not, do think about taking your money elsewhere...
