Friday, December 26, 2008

Quote of Christmas

"Gordon Brown saying he should be allowed to fix the economy is like Bomber Harris offering to fix a few windows in Dresden."

Frank Skinner on
Have I Got News For You


  1. Funny thing is that Frank Skinner has been virtually parroting New Labour Policy recently. I wonder if he has noticed that he is backing the wrong horse. I had assumed he had retired

  2. Anyone with their eyes open to what Brown's Labour are doing to this country, is like a person looking out of their window, seeing a gang of youths working their way up the street smashing up every car they pass and then returning to their computer to anonymously blog about it with all real location and details changed to protect ones identity.

    We're all preaching to the converted and doing nothing to oust this terrible regime. We need real action in addition to the recording of the events by blog.

    Brown will go on to inflict a huge amount of damage which will effect everyone and some of it will be irreversibly and he will not necessarily be ousted at the next election with such a impudent opposition in parliament.

    Time to get people together and plan street level action to make those of us who are still asleep aware of the real dangers and to push the MSM into real action to save democracy and the British from another Hitler.

  3. I suppose new Labour believes in community reparations in the criminal justice sphere, so why no extend this to economics :0)

  4. .....returning to their computer to anonymously blog about it with all real location and details changed to protect ones identity.

    This I fear is true.
    I have, in the past, had a brick
    through the window for expressing
    a perfectly legal view on a local situation. I know we should stand up and fight, as we did in WW2,
    but there is a limit as to what us
    pensioners can afford.
    Anyone backing labour is "Flogging
    a Dead Horse" not the wrong horse.

  5. Newmania is right. Frank was stating the Tory viewpoint - as rehearsed dimly by the increasingly annoying Hislop - rather than his own POV. Which makes it an interesting choice.
