Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Nothing to Fear?

One of my regular blog readers, Alan Douglas, has a letter in both The Times and Telegraph this morning.
Sir, We are frequently told that “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”.

Not so. I fear having to prove I have nothing to hide.

Alan Douglas

East Grinstead, W Sussex

Well done Alan!


  1. Amen to that.

    But pretty soon we will all have nothing to hide. Nothing at all. Not a single thing.

    This is a bankrupt nation - in virtually every sense.

  2. Its perhaps interesting to notice that the mechanism for mass oppression are being put in place at the same time that Brown drives the economy onto the rocks.

    We have become numb to the disingenuous spin from Labour over 10 years. Its appears their only competence is spin and creating a narrative to keep the public on board. But we should consider the possibility that they are destroying our country deliberately.

  3. I have nothing to fear but a fourth Labour term. Imagine how worse it could get!

  4. Iain, this slightly off topic, but I have just read in the Guardian that the Association of Chief Police Officers robustly defended the Met's actions in arresting Damian Green. I have also read this morning that Ian Johnston, the Chief Constable appointed by Sir Paul Stephenson to review the arrest of Damien Green is the Chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers. Is that correct? If so, hardly an impartial observer I would have thought. The hole just keeps getting deeper.

  5. Correction to my previous post - The Daily Telegraph says Ian Johnston is Chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers' Crime Committee

  6. Spot on

    "the Association of Chief Police Officers " is more interested in terrorising law abiding motorists and carrying out health and safety assessments.

    I draw your attention to the businessman who dragged his thieving employer through the streets only to find the man let off without charge and himself charged with abusing the thief's human rights.

    I sincerely hope some of our alleged police protectors are reading this - because you suck.

    Does anyone trust anyone from ACPO to investigate itself any more thoroughly than Harngey would likewise?

  7. A very good way of putting it! It would be a great one-liner for an Opposition MP/Shadow Minister to quote in a relevant debate in the House, perhaps David Davis or Dmoinic Grieve.

  8. Alan Douglas is a genius :-)

    I've been searching for a snappy reply to the "nothing to hide" line for years... Alan's is perfect.
