Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Justice for Old Etonians!

Recess Monkey has a moderately amusing story about overhearing a conversation between David Davis and a passenger on the tube. He headlines it: DAVIS SLAMS TORY TOFFS. The conversation, according to the flappy-eared Alex Hilton went like this...

Old bloke: “How was your week?”
DD: “Very busy what with the Damian Green thing and the Speaker”

OB: “So you want the Speaker to resign?”

DD: “Certainly not, Labour would elect another Labour speaker and they would be there for the whole of the next parliamentary term - and the trouble is, we don’t have that many good candidates”

OB: “There’s George Young”

DD: “Another old Etonian - we can’t have an old Etonian Prime Minister and an old Etonian Speaker”.
Alex would never make a very good journalist. His ears weren't flapping quite hard enough. I just read this out to DD, who found it highly amusing that Alex had missed a vital part of the story. His closing remark was actually a third more disparaging. What he actually said was...
DD: “We can’t have an old Etonian Prime Minister, an old Etonian Mayor of London and an old Etonian Speaker”.
Just wanted to clear that up, all for the sake of accuracy, you understand. And a sense of humour.


  1. Why not?
    We have a Scottish PM and a Scottish Speaker.
    Isn't it time that sadly lefty types got over their class hatred?
    I thought that meritocracy and what people did, rather than where they came from was what was important in New Labour's Britain, unless of course one is perceived to be of the few, rather than the many!
    Seems that has turned out to be bollocks....... like everything else.

  2. And why not? A century ago, it took half a mere half dozen Old Etonians to rule a large colony, and on the whole they did it rather well. Eton tacitly teaches these skills, even now.

  3. It sounds like DD has a chip on his shoulder? chippie chappie.

    You don't half talk about DD alot!


  4. I couldn't give a monkeys if he's a Duke and went to the Sorbonne or Macclesfield comprehensive as long as they're good at their job. Is that too much to ask?

  5. Was Scoop Hilton wearing a trench coat and fedora, with a press ticket in the hat band?
    Notebook and pencil, or tape recorder?
    Was he in drag? Is he a stalker?
    Be afraid top Tories. Be very afraid.

  6. Hilton has form on overhearing things, but hey, that hasn't stopped Hilton before has it?

    You'd think he'd learn wouldn't you, and after the likes of you were so nice and supportive too...

  7. Oh go on then, let's just have some partially literate half-wit from a Glasgow slum, who hasn't a clue what's going on, without the innate air of command and authority, sans gravitas, just in the interests of balance and equality.

    Oh. No offense, Mr Speaker

  8. This is outrageous! Old Etonians should be free - nay compelled - to assume control of each and every one of our political offices and major institutions without threat or challenge. I find this story deeply disturbing indeed.

  9. To "King John":

    Lefties will never get over their class hatred. It is a large part of what defines them. The rest is mostly other forms of hatred, which is why so many of them are so vile, though thankfully not all of them.

    I know: I've dealt with many!

  10. Hello - it was a meant to be humourous. DD is actually a very funny guy.

  11. John M Ward - 2 of my top drinking buds are both Union dudes - 10-15 years older than me (33) and have openly admitted (in vino veritas) that it's arrogance, hatred, dogmatism and illogical.

    Brilliant chaps who have serious claim to dislike the Tory party but, again, they've both admitted that it's a visceral refrain that prevents them acknowledging that the Tories have changed. I wouldn't go as far as to say class was a factor - mainly anger.

    I hope I don't fall into the same trap of picking a party and then nailing the colours but at least we have a genuine divide, a capable opposition and legitimate concerns that we're off to hell in a hand cart.

    Not all lefties are bluster but many are. The path of the left is similar to analysis - it's knowing when to stop that makes the report valid.

  12. Would that not make it 50% more disparaging?

  13. I have to agree with Mr Davis - the latest opinion poll in the Grauniad [Con down SEVEN to 38%] shows what happens if too many public schoolboys are let loose on policy.

    Tony Bliar was a Fettesian and look what happened him.

    Hilty ought to be careful with these scoop or 'e might get sued...

  14. Let me think? Who do I want running the country? A bunch of ex social workers, teachers and those who have never had a real job? Or a group of MPs who have had the best education that money can buy and business experience?

    I come from a dirt poor council house in Barnsley and believe it or not, I'd like the most intelligent group to be running the country.

  15. "Tony Bliar was a Fettesian and look what happened him."

    Come now, Fettes is an immensely second-rate public school. There are public schools and public schools, y'know...

