Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's a Family Affair for Beeb Reporter Ben

There was an interesting scenario in the BBC Newsroom yesterday. They were reporting on the dodgy knife crime statistics story and the subsequent inquiry by the Public Administration Committee. And the political correspondent on duty (there's only one on a Saturday morning) was Ben Wright... who is the son of the chairman of the public administration committee, Tony Wright!

I'm told that Ben, who is seen as one of the Beeb's best up and coming political reporters, was rather horrified when he realised he would have to report on his Dad. I suspect that never has such a carefully worded report ever been broadcast.


  1. Dunno - it's not his old man who released the figures. Phil Woolas on Any Questions? was diabolical.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice to see Labour and the Beeb keeping it all in the family. Again. Cf. Little Lord Peston.

  4. OMG Prodicus!!!!11! You're so RITE!!!!

    Because a) Tony Wright really is a ZaNuLiebore lickspittle of the worst kind, isn't he?

    and b) No Tories have EVER worked for the evil Stalinist BBCSSR have they? Certainly not Damian Green, Or Roger Gale, or Patrick Mercer, or David Hass. Oh, except all four of them.

  5. Being the son of a Labour politician will make him no more (or less) biased in favour of the Labour party than any other BBC reporter. The BBC is the propaganda arm of the Labour party, it's as simple (and scary) as that.

  6. Nice to see a real BBC hack here, BJ.

  7. Ben Wright is actually quite a good reporter, but only the BBC could see nothing wrong with having the son of a leading Labour hack as a political reporter.


    There is a difference between working for the BBC, and having a clear conflict of interest.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Prodicus

    Yes, I'm a genuine BBC hack (though very junior)

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  11. @ BJ

    Yes - but for how much longer, do you suppose?

  12. BJ - genuine BBC hack? What's an oxymoron moron?
