Friday, December 05, 2008

An Hour of Sex, Politics, Media & Spin

Earlier this week I took part in a QUESTION TIME style programme called FORUM for Press TV hosted by Nick Ferrari on the theme of 'Politics, Media, Sex & Spin'. The other three guests were former Mirror editor David Banks, former Tory MP Piers Merchant and the Mirror's chief reporter Stephen Moyes. The discussion ranged across how the media covers politics, scandal and sex. It got quite lively as it went on, particularly when I decided to take on Banks and Moyes after Banks appeared to deny that the Mirror had printed doctored photos about torture in Iraq.

Click HERE to watch the programme.


  1. you should have discussed this Iain:

    it's also on my blog. :)

  2. Forum. Wasn't that the porn magazne that Alistair Campbell wrote for before he went down-market?

  3. Is Piers Merchant still involved with UKIP?

    He masterminded their Hartlepool By Election success!

  4. In what way did you take them on? Res ipsa loquitor.

    You didn't give us twitter updates on your debate with the 6th formers - have young-uns changed?

    They're gonna be picking up the tab. Guido has an interesting piece about BoE black ops - v worrying.

  5. Typical Ferrari siding with the tabloids as usual.

    If you ever listen to his radio show you are only allowed to talk in "London's biggest conversation" if you actually agree with him!

    For all those who he disagrees with you get that classic line line..."thanks for your call, just moving on so I can fit more people in".

  6. Press TV? That's an Iranian backed venture designed to attack the West by subtle criticism. Tsk, tsk, that you should assist them in their aims.

  7. Completely O/T but isn't there something deeply suspicious about Tony Blair's relationship with both the Labour party & the country? You wouldn't do that to an ex beau, not unless you were a nutter.

  8. Iain, the next time you appear on Press TV, work in in a mention of Mansour Osanloo and see what happens.
