Sunday, December 28, 2008

Get Your ***** Out for the Tories?

An interesting way to solicit support... A further example of the Guidoisation of politics? :)

Not sure how photos get to appear at the top of a Google search, but sure enough, if you click on it, you do go to the Conservative Party website.


  1. You can leave a comment. I thought "gets my vote" was suitable.

    WV anonones

  2. Having just read Osborne's dreadful interview with the Sunday Times, I think it's more a case of the Tories getting their t*t out for us, rather than the other way around...

  3. Not sure why the interview was awful - the prospect of tax cuts should cheer every Tory. That is, unless you're not a Tory - what do you think AnOnEye?

  4. I suppose they are trying to keep abreast of the times.

  5. Now if they could just persuade Nadine to follow, not really of course, just the power of suggestion.

  6. "want to vada a pair of willets?"

    click here to visit Dave and George.

  7. If you type the name Iain Dale into Google, the first thing that comes up, rather unsurprisingly, is this blog. However, the picture is of FA Confidential. See for yourself.

    Any reason why that is?

  8. Was it Bojo who said if you vote Tory then your wife's breasts will get larger. Too right - everyone loves breasts.

  9. I did a review of FA Confidential some weeks ago, but it is still a bit bizarre.

  10. Is that what we call Tory Totty?

  11. Talking of t*ts, I have just watched David Lammy make a complete t*t of himself on Celebrity Mastermind.
    Is he really that thick or does he just think it is cool to get easy questions wrong?

    I am seriously depressed about the state of education and the calibre of politicians in this country.

    Please promise me things will be different under the Conservatives.

  12. @ Charlotte Corday

    "Please promise me things will be different under the Conservatives"

    Perhaps Cameron will have the good sense to issue an instruction that under no circumstances will any Conservative Minister ever appear on garbage programmes such as this. (Lammy is buttock-clenchingly ghastly at all times anyway.)

    It would be a boon and a blessing to us all.

  13. *****, Iain? Surely you meant ****?

    Or am I just being a ******* *****?
