Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Sunday

1. Antony Little on the spike in his webstats after he's done a leaflet drop.
2. Lord George Foulkes reckons BBC Scotland is biassed towards the SNP according to The Steamie.
3. Taking Liberties is no fan of Lord Foulkes either.
4. John Redwood on a crazy money-go-round.
5. Clive Davis on the wonder that calls itself London.
6. LibDem Voice on the major LibDem donor who's quit the party - and his name isn't Michael Brown.
7. Neil Stockley details the Canadian political crisis.
8. Peter Black AM thinks Peter Hain protesteth too much.
9. Lynne Featherstone on the liars of Haringey.
10. Cicero's Songs reckons Michael Martin is holed below the waterline.
11. Cranmer bemoans the stripping of powers from the Grand Duke of Luxemburg.
12. Damian Collins on the Blue Blog details an excellent local history project in Folkestone.

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