Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008 Awards Poll: MPs of the Year

Over the last week 1,380 of you have voted in my mammoth 2008 awards poll. Over the next few days I will be publishing the results.

Conservative MP of 2008

1. David Davis 29%
2. Iain Duncan Smith 19%
3. Ken Clarke 16%

Labour MP of 2008

1. Frank Field 45%
2. Bob Marshall-Andrews 22%
3. Jon Cruddas 12%

LibDem MP of 2008

1. Vince Cable 64%
2. Lynne Featherstone 13%
3. Chris Huhne 10%

Minority Party MP of 2008

1. Alex Salmond 51%
2. Dr Richard Taylor 11%
3. Adam Price 8%


  1. Would the 16% of people who voted for Ken Clarke please report immediately to Matron for their medication.

  2. 51% for Alex Salmond as minority MP?

    Salmond has probably not spent 51 minutes in Westminster in 2008.

    Mind you he's picked up 100% of his salary.

    What a joke!

  3. Kenny Murphy

    Alex Salmond does not pick up 100% of his Westminster salary. He takes 1/3 and that goes into a charitable trust for good causes in Scotland.

    Do your research a bit more thoroughly next time.

  4. subrosa

    FACT. He does take 100% of his salary.

    If he decides to give a percentage of it away to a charity of his choice is hardly relevant.

    With his non attendance at Westminster how can he justify picking up any of his salary?

  5. Is this true that a TORY shadow minister for children is responsible for installing CCTV in all classrooms in this country? It's in today's Mail on Sunday. No wonder Tories ostracised David Davis for telling the truth. They're going to be a continuation of this morally bankrupt govt.

  6. Kenny Murphy

    You've got that wrong. Even today's Scotland on Sunday (under the Foulkes article) says he only claims one third of his MP's salary.

    His Westminster constituents don't complain about him being their MP and also First Minister. They knew he would continue to be an MP until the next general election. As for his attendance it's not top rate. Then again, I could name several MPs of every party whose attendance isn't great.

    Obviously you're not an SNP supporter :-) Continuing to be an MP allows Alex Salmond access to information only available to MPs.

    Donald Dewar held the dual mandate. Did you complain then too?
