Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 Awards Poll: Book/Peer/Magazine/Humorist/Pollster

Peer of the Year

1. Lord Mandelson 27%
2. Lord Trimble 19%
3. Lady Manningham-Buller 17%

Political Humorist of the Year

1. Ian Hislop 25%
2. Quentin Letts 17%
3. Tina Fey 11%

Pollster of the Year

1. YouGov 65%
2. ICM 17%
3. IPSOS Mori 10%

Magazine of the Year

1. Private Eye 33%
2. The Spectator 32%
3. The Economist 14%

Political Book of the Year

1. Cameron on Cameron by Dylan Jones 23%
2. Blair Years by Adam Boulton 21%
3. A Political Suicide by Norman Fowler 16%

* 1380 people took part in the poll between 19 % 26 December.


  1. It amazes me how much more accurate YouGov are than their competitors. Can't wait to see what their first polling of the European Elections gives the respective parties.

  2. I think Letts should be forced to take part in "I'm a Celebrity..." with George Michael, Barbara Windsor, and Elton John in penance for his Tilly the Typist remark.

  3. "Peer of the Year... Mandelson" Are you all insane?

  4. YouGov are fine until Peter Kellner's anti-smoking bias gets in the way, then their figures go the same way as a Fyffes survey about banana consumption.

    Sorry, can't take them seriously while he is in charge.
