Saturday, November 08, 2008

Will Lembit Leave Politics?

LibDem Voice has published the result of the LibDem presidential election. Bet you have been waiting for nothing else, eh? Ros Scott beat Lembit Opik by an astonishing margin - 72%-22%. What does it say for the future political prospects of Mr O? Quite a lot, I would say.

I would lay a bet that he will decide to leave politics and move into the world of the media or the charity sector. He will be feeling very low today. It has been a very tough year and he is at an age where he may think it best to embark on a new journey.


  1. I had not realised that he's been in politics. He's a full time, attention-seeking media tart, surely? (although drawing an MP's pay and allowances of course.)

  2. And so he should. There are enough clowns in politics and a fair few of them are in this government.

    Hilary Benn (Any Questions Friday) said that man made global warming is a scientific fact. Is he a scientist or just a pillock?

  3. Lembit is my local MP. He has gone from being a fun MP to a figure of fun.

    He did himself no favours by choosing to take part on a popular TV show instead of honouring a committment to a local meeting and his antics with his cheeky girl turned off a very large section of Montgomery folk who are conservative (with a small c) by nature.

    His treatment of Sian Lloyd and his previous girl friend show him to be a less than principled man. He has a very high opinion of himself which is not shared by many, especially those in the LD's.

    He is a media tart and his open letter to the members of his party pleading his case was vomit inducing.

    Looking good for Glyn Davies who strikes me as a man who give a damm rather than Lembit who doesn't give a damm.

  4. A bad hand at Scrabble and in every other regard.

  5. Shame on you Iain! Of course, the world has been on tenterhooks...on a more serious note it says quite alot that the thing that is catching peoples eyes is Lembit again not the qualities of Ros Scott which make her an excellant choice....

    Will he leave politics?? Possibly, possibly not...he probably will be gutted but maybe the result will give him pause for thought and he will become a better politician for it...

  6. Iain,I think you were extremely charitable to Mr O.

    The man is a total buffoon, with the brain power of a lamp post.

    Get thee gone, you fool, and right quickly!!

  7. Ouch. Maybe Lembit should just try keeping his head down and being a good MP?

  8. I have written to Mr Optic to commiserate with his total failure as a politician and a man and I've suggested a way forward.
    Why not cash in on his notority by going on tour preaching the good word from a lion's cage?

  9. I'm sure everyone has waited for this with as much interest as they would for economic insights from George Osbourne.

  10. The truly astounding thing about this is that, after all his showbiz and amatory antics, over 6,000 people STILL thought he'd make a good LibDem President.

    And to think I once admired him for his insistence that we should make contingency plans for a catastrophic meteor strike!

  11. The trouncing of LO warms the cockles of Jabba's little feline heart. Little tosser got his just deserts.

  12. Opik?
    Plonker. Stay, go, who cares.

    @ Robert 4.35:
    "Hilary Benn . . . Is he a scientist or just a pillock?"

    He's a Benn: 'nuff said, surely?
    (see also "Anthony Wedgewood" and "Melissa" of that ilk)

  13. He will not be missed.
    But a future as a by lingual member of the Border Security Force beckons !

  14. "...I would lay a bet that he will decide to leave politics and move into the world of the media or the charity sector. He will be feeling very low today..."

    He's been courting the media for years and, I think, lost sight of an elected member's role with regard to responsibility, accountability and service to those who voted him in (and those who didn't) vs being a puerile celebrity.

    He had such promise but ditched it when he courted the media. Perhaps that tells us all we need to need to know about the true nature of Lembit Opik, MP.

    RIP Lembit and not in my face in the future, thanks.

  15. Isn't this the real reason why we joined the EU ?, as a dumping ground for has been, next to useless , third rater politicos's!

    Brittan , Kinnocks , Mandy etc ....

    Hopefully he will be given a padded room at Brussels and a name badge , and that will be the last of him ...!

  16. Actually Lembit will not leave Politics and that is from someone who has backed him through this election.

    Actually Lembit will work with Ros Scott and put his experience in the Federal Executives to good use and make a team with Ros creating a robust enough partnership that will shape up the Lib Dems,

  17. Get of Lembit's back he's a fantastic MP. He does so much for Montgomeryshire, I hope he stands next time.
    Yours sincerly THE SILENT MAJORITY

  18. With a name like that Lembit should try to be a professional magician.
    'Opik the Conjurer'?!

  19. @ 8.51
    Thanks, Mum.

  20. I regard Lembit as the UK's Obhama.

  21. What possible media career could he have other than as a celebrity geek turn on crap like This Morning (apologies to you jobless wonders who like it and have strayed in here by mistake!)? So he knobbed a Weather Girl. And then a Cheeky Girl. That means he was talked about in the media for porking a celebrity, not that he has or had a media career! I'm with him on the original Asteroid shield stuff but really, what has he ever actually DONE?

  22. Limbet, the British face of stupidity.

  23. For any with betting inclinations here is my advice. Get down to Paddy Power and put your savings on Glyn Davies to evict the buffoon Opik as Montgomeryshire MP.You should get good odds.
    Use the proceeds to pay off your mortgage, clear Visa debts, top up pension and buy your wife a Peter Storm jacket.
    Glyn Davies has been working in the community for two years whilst the C list joker has been swanning about on his self promotion activities. He is a blot on the political landscape.

  24. Lembik shares the same self belief (and delusion) as Sarah Palin.

  25. He will stay until his pension is paid up oink oink!.

    he had some novelty value as a "straight limpdum" I spose.

  26. Well he has brought it all on himself. He behaves like a child not an adult. Would you want him as your MP?.

  27. Every anagram of "Lembit Öpik" that I can think of is more plausible than the original. I suspect this might also be true for the man.

  28. "he is at an age where he may think it best to embark on a new journey"

    Exit stage left on a Segway..?

    Somehow I can't see it. He'll leave politics when he loses his seat and/or the media lose interest in him. Both hopefully very soon.

  29. Iain, there was a very Freudian slip on the BBC TV News at 8.08 this morning. They were reporting on the row about Jack Straw and an alleged undisclosed donation. The news presented referred to the donation and then said "Mr. George..I mean, Mr. Straw."

    Is the BBC automatically connecting dodgy donations in its collective mind with George Osborne and is therefore reluctant to refer to any other politician?

  30. @ anon 8.51 pm

    "Get of Lembit's back he's a fantastic MP."

    If thats a definition of a great Libdim MP...

  31. @ Torymory 8.31 am

    "Lembik shares the same self belief (and delusion) as Sarah Palin."

    Now that is an attempt to sink Mrs Palin to a very low new level. ;-))

  32. even the LibDems think he's a plonker

  33. He'll probably end up presenting "Have I Got News For You" at least until the photographs of him smacked up with prostitutes hit The Sun - which will no doubt improve his popularity ratings!

  34. As we speak, Lembit is beating a path to David Icke's door.

  35. Lembit Opik makes quite a good living out of being a celebrity politician. He'll stay in politics because if he stops being a politician, he'll stop being a celebrity too.

  36. He could probably set up quite a lucrative business selling unwanted engagement rings...
