Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Party Political Broadcast On Behalf of Lembit Opik

This has been sent to every LibDem with an email address as Lembit's final pitch for votes in his LibDem Presidential Campaign. My particular favourite is the sentence that describes how he has the ability to inspire people to achieve things they never felt possible, followed immediately by the sentence describing his humility.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lembit Opik (Liberal Democrats)

Date: Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 1:53 PM
Subject: Home Truths
To: My snout

A few home truths…
This is the last official e-mail you'll receive from me during this Presidential campaign. So it's time for some home truths. It's probably the most honest and open letter you'll ever have received from a candidate during an election. Actually, my team are worried it's too personal and maybe not political enough, but I wanted to say some things here because I feel it's important you know them. I hope you'll appreciate my candidness in the spirit in which it's intended.
A very difficult year
2008 has been a very difficult year for me. Personal matters have challenged me greatly. And on 6th August, I was confronted with the death of my closest friend and confidant, David Hamer, without warning, aged 46. It nearly "brought my house down." It almost stalled my life and caused me to look inside and consider who I am and what I do. It even had an impact upon my spiritual faith.
What came out of this colossal emotional and psychological challenge was insight. Insight into me, insight into others, and a better insight into how others see me.
It delayed my Presidential campaign preparations too – my energy was temporarily directed at surviving the storm of events around me. And yet the things I've learned this year were priceless.
What I've learned
When all the pretence of normal life is stripped away by hard times, you get to know yourself better. I've learned why I want to do the job of President. I know I can reach people in a special way, to make them listen and feel listened too. I know it comes from a motivation from deep inside me. I don't do it perfectly by any means, but I do have a good heart, and any errors are usually sins of omission, not sins of intent. And the drive to serve the Party is rooted in what I feel I can do best – organising and motivating our Party to achieve great results.
I also realised that nobody else has the years of experience I've got of working inside the Party doing all those "committee type things" which don't make the news but do make the Lib Dems more effective. I know, too, that a lot of people recognise me, inside and outside the Party. It seems to me this is a great advantage, because I can bring politics to people who don't normally relate to politicians. And in so doing, I can bring people who don't normally do party politics towards the Lib Dems in an accessible way.And I know that sometimes I can inspire people. It's a great feeling to help people find the energy to achieve more than they ever imagined possible.
And with some humility, I can tell you I've learned to see why some folk are concerned about my Presidency. Some fear I'll be unpredictable, a wild one, or too involved in a profile outside politics. Or they think I'm too much of a joker, or a political lightweight. Or they believe I want to be President for my own self-promotion.

To tell you the truth, I've been frustrated and angry with people for thinking these things about me. But looking at it now, I realise that the right response is not to be angry, but to be a bit more empathic to these concerns… to appreciate WHY some feel this way, and try to accommodate that very natural caution within my equally natural enthusiasm and effusive optimism about the human race.

What I do is different for sure. But I sense that it can also be an enormous asset and force for change in how we do politics, and how far out we can reach. And that's what I'd like to say now – to Vince, Ming, Navnit, John Shipley, and others who I've spoken to and thought about recently. I respect those concerns. If I win the election, I'll work with you to get the best out of all of us, and to value the differences between us for the common goal and vision we share. For me, it's the vision of a Lib Dem Government. It's a journey we can only make successfully if we make it together. But it's also a journey we can only complete if we're a bit braver, and embrace each other's unique contributions.
Heart and soul
So here's the point. If you elect me, I'll really put my heart and soul into this, so we can all share in our victory of ideas in this political arena around us. And I'll do my best to be sensitive to when I'm pushing too hard, or running too fast. I'll be listening to what you're saying.
Nick's perfectly capable of leading our Party towards Government. And I've got the ability to make our Party ready and capable of making that voyage across a stormy sea. It's a great partnership. Inspiration, flamboyance, courage, teamwork, warmth and action. I can see that working very well and I hope you can too.
A vision in Primary Colurs
So what's it going to be? What do YOU want to do next?
In a way, I can't help regarding this election as a test. It's a test of our collective courage. A test of whether we really do value different styles and approaches, or whether conformity is a primary limitation. I say it's time to grasp the ambition of Government. I say it's time to paint our vision in primary colours so everyone can see and understand it. If you're up for that, so am I. I'll do my 100% best to deliver a Party which can paint a vivid picture of the future, and then make it happen.
It's up to you now
I'm not going to get everything right, and never pretended I could. But I've got a passion for this role, just as I have a passion for life. If you feel like joining me on an exciting adventure for a few years, go and get your ballot paper and sign up by voting for it. It'll be a heck of a ride. And afterwards, I'm sure you'll look back and be amazed how far we got, and be glad we made the journey.
All the best,

Well that should get the votes flooding in! I like Lembit but I think this email is a mistake of gigantic proportions. You raely gain votes by encouraging people to feel sorry for you.


  1. Whoa - that's an 'ah, bless' e-mail. Not exactly Hollywood but I'd not be that surprised if that's what the Lib Dems like - be fair, it's better pitched at Andrew Sachs than other communications have been.

  2. I feel sorry for Tim Ireland.


  3. 'Nick's perfectly capable ...' Hmm, not a ringing endorsement, is it?

  4. This is typical Lib Dem campaigning. It quite obviously is not Lembit speaking from the heart, it is Lembit saying what it takes to win.

    It's what the Lib Dems do.

  5. Not wishing to pick nits, and one imagines a person with a name like Limbo Optic is perhaps struggling with English as a second language, but the expression is "candour", surely, not "candidness". (Unless the poor man meant "candidateness". Oh dear...)

  6. aaaarh bless indeed Captain..

    Dale doing Caulson biddin. Tory HQ know that to win the Lib dems need to be desimated; hence all the tory blogs focusing on Vince, Cable et al...Yawn..Keep going right people keep goung right

  7. A few weeks ago the fin and banking crisis saw the last remnants of Thatcherism die.

    Tonight the Neo Cons also die.

    The USA in one swipe will see its world standing revived, almost instantly. Obama will or could even see a new positive impact on world economies

    Lick your wounds friends of the neo cons. Lick your wounds

  8. "A vision in Primary Colurs"

    Please tell me this email didn't go out to a wide circulation with such a glaring spelling mistake ?

  9. Hi Iain,

    Looking forward - to tonight's webchat.

    Ari Last


  10. Hi Iain,

    Looking forward - to tonight's webchat.

    Ari Last


  11. Anonymous 6.37. Your post shows you cannot spell (perhaps you should join Lembit's team?) and it is not clear if you know what decimate means.

  12. Can someone explain what the President of the Lib Dems is/actually does? I'm a total political geek and have no idea who the current one is.

  13. It's too long. Boring...

  14. Ab - it's not difficult to find out. The party President is essentially the voice of the grassroots and provides representation at different levels of the party. Can be a very effective role.

  15. O'Prick has clearly lost the plot.
    There is nothing honest or open about this e-mail. Funny that he heglects to mention the Cheeky Tart. Remember that "meeting of minds" relationship! Or at least that's what Grope-It Opik maintained in his oh so honest way.
    The problem with LO is that too many people know what he really is - an egomaniac idiot with more than a few problems. Too many people have seen him out and about in the bars, much the worse for wear, chatting up the tartiest female he can find. Just ask the locals in his constituency about his track record with young girls and how often he's drunk.....
    He's a huge hypocrite, a party animal who thinks it's ok to represent a rural area, whilst at the same time living the life of a louche and lewd philanderer. He comes out with all these grandiose sentiments in his e-mail, whilst knowing that it's only a matter of time before his past catches up with him. There is not a sincere bone in his body. This e-mail has to be the biggest of many big mistakes he's made.
