Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama to Visit the April Fool

Gordon Brown's announcement that Barack Obama will be visiting London on 2 April (only a day late, then) for the G20 summit will, no doubt, get political pundits sniffing a Spring election. April 23rd anyone? No, me neither, but I bet there will be plenty of speculation about it.


  1. Note Labour raised almost twice the funds of the Conservatives recently (* about £7 Million ).

  2. We should all hope for a General Election next year.

    Labour went to the country after 4 years in '01 & '05 and i suspect if the polls are close then Brown will go early next year.

    If Darling/Brown's prediction is right of us moving out of recession in the second half of next year then the Labour Party as much as anyone else will be asking "Outwith the economy what is Brown's vision?".

    Then we'll be back into the first half of this year territory with Brown being attacked from all quarters.

    Brown needs the election sooner rather than later.

  3. Surely June would be an idea to coincide with Euro (and thereby thump slightly worrying BNP and ahem flood their message) if there is to be a 2009 election at all?

  4. January 2009 is still my bet.

    He would love to meet Obama being the PM who will deal with him for his term of office.

    The Spring Floods would not have happenned and revealed that Brown has dithered over flood defences - again!!- He will have announced the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq - but will not have announced they will be going to Afghanistan immediately!

    Most of the bad news on the depression will not have happenned!

    Two weeks holiday over Christmas and New Year will have mellowed the people. So a General Election called for the Third Weekend in January (spread over the weekend because of dark nights!!) Is my bet.

    That they are getting their finances sorted helps me reach this conclusion.

  5. "Obama to Visit the April Fool"

    Better than being subject to the Cameron Caramel Whip. No election can ever take place on St Georges Day, it's always a Sunday.

  6. Those scottish twats haven't got the bottle to call an election.

    They're in it to the end and ready to leave DC and GO a typical socialist mess to clear up!

  7. Was it firmly fixed that the next meeting of the G20 would be in London? It was agreed they must meet again (well, it would be wouldn't it?) but London was what Brown's propagandists tried for, not sure if they got it.

    Brown's lot have been known to, how shall we say? to over announce things, perhaps.

  8. Geoffrey, why "Scottish twats" and not just "twats"?
