Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is Labour About to Launch a Cyber War?

A contact in Labour HQ tells me that there was an interesting little meeting this morning featuring Derek Draper, Tim Allan (Campbell's former deputy and now head of Portland PR), Benjamin Wegg-Prosser (Mandy's former Spad) and David Prescott (son of the class warrior). Apparently they were meeting to discuss how to take the fight to right of centre bloggers. Good luck, guys.

Isn't it odd, though, that Labour has so little new talent in its ranks that it has to

a) bring back Peter Mandelson for a third go
b) bring back Charlie Whelan as a central adviser
c) seriously discuss restoring David Blunkett to the Cabinet
d) reincarnate Draper, Wegg-Prosser and Allan

Why not go the whole hog and bring back Tony Blair?


  1. probably why they are planning to take over Nominet (see Dizzy today)

  2. They are going to be very busy tomorrow here and here

  3. Laughable Iain, the Tories meanwhile have no talent whatsoever - even on the so called "front bench" - that's willing to be disciplined and work full time for constituents or party. The News of the World says it so it must be true.

  4. It's like that bit of the movie near the end when you think the monster is dead, but it makes one last desperate, horrific lunge for the hero.

  5. Absolutely right - it's bad enough with the gang you list, but presumably indignation has overcome recollection to cause the omission of the ghastly Campbell, a four-letter man if ever there was.

  6. Methinks Tony Blair is in constant contact with the likes of Oofy W-P on the end of the phone line or BlackBerry...

  7. They should just dig up the bones of Jim Callaghan and reanimate his corpse with the help of the labourite coven up Witches: Harman, Smith and err, Mandleson. Ooops Hallowean was friday.

  8. They will no doubt go for the usual intimidation, misdirection, straight lies and bully that so happily characterise their deals with the MSM.

  9. Why not go the whole hog and bring back Tony Blair?

    A man who doesn't know how to use a computer isn't much use in a cyber war! At least Brown knows how to email (the wrong person).

  10. What's Michael Foot doing these days?

  11. Cry "havoc!" and let loose the dogs of war,
    That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
    With carrion men, groaning for burial.

    Bring it on, Mandelson and his buddies have tried it on in the EU, he is now making a grab for Nominet

    That is what the LPUK 1984 campaign was all about- the Tories and Lib Dems just will not put up a fight.

  12. Dizzy's report:


    Truly hair raising. These guys will stop at absolutely nothing in the effort to control.

    Time for us to say NO.

  13. Jon Sopel interviewed a senior director in YouTube and couldn't understand how 'truth' and 'impartiality!!' could be regulated in a modern election campaign.

    The dude just said 'well, the campaigns are savvy, set the agenda and respond when it's out of line - we don't regulate our content - the audience does'.

    At which point Sopel collapsed as the full horror of his soon to be P45 hit home.

    David Prescott - is he working class then?

    Hmm.. Rd 4 PM - and sober! Must be an election on - haggis anyone

  14. Chris Paul:
    So Labour has talents like Lord Sleaze, the spammer Dolly Draper,
    the two Jags son...? That should remind something to people about Labour. The Daily Mail reports the scandal about an illegal immigrant in a car jumping red light and killing a bright young woman, and still under Brown he cannot be deported. That is the situation under your Labour. If you want to talk, talk about how this country is a soft touch for illegal immigrants in thousands.

  15. "discuss how to take the fight to right of centre bloggers"

    Take the fight to us!
    That's right! They dont like us going on their sad little sites telling the truth do they?

    The lefties have no real defence left against the ever increasing popular views of the centre right & they know it!
    They just dont seem to have got it though their thick lefty skulls that people are sick & tied of their lefty ways, people dont want to hear anymore of their winging & whining,people are desperate for change.

    It's going to be fun.

  16. If we've learned nothing else from Iraq and Afghanistan, it's that if you want to win a war, you first have to find your enemies.

    I think I'm right in saying that Blogger is hosted on Google's servers in the USA or did this bunch of fuckwits overlook this fact?

  17. Labour have been at it for the last two years in Wales, organised by a Labour Minister's personal researcher - the same person who allegedly gave the order to throw out Walter Wolfgang at that infamous party conference. There is now talk of an official complaint being made to the Assembly Government over his antics. We shall see if they actually do anything about it.

  18. And Labour have got bloggers like Chris Paul batting for their side.


  19. Iain are you double agent? I think we should be told :-)

  20. Yes, in the middle of an economic crisis Labour are putting together a crack to target you specifically Iain.

    Because Labour's big problem nationally is its standing in the blogosphere. Jesus.

  21. Where are Labour's cyber army going to be recruited? Surely not from their school leavers?

    Perhaps the Government doesn't intend to censor the internet after all... they'll merely mandate that every right leaning blog has a spell checker to enable their supports to take part? Perhaps Iain will have to award a weekly case of Stella or a bag of weed to the best "I love Gordon" comment?

    Anyway, let their army come... some of us have been on the internet since back when it (and for some of us still does) cost real money, not since it got given away free with your Sky TV.

    I should also warn that before Field Marshall's Draper and Mandelson threaten us, they need to take a look at their own cowardly fighting forces. No Stars General Tom "Ostrich" Harris spent last weekend rolling his tanks forward for the 'big push' and then failed to fire a single shot.

  22. Err, I didn't hear any declarations of "cyber war". Though there was more talent around the table than CCO will ever be able to muster.

    Yet again your Labour sources are not quite up to scratch... plus ca change.

    Ben WP

  23. According to Hazel Blears you are part of the problem- see Guido

    Got you hook line and sinker
