Thursday, November 27, 2008

Fitting the Media Stereotype

Each month I get a newsletter from a public affairs consultant friend of mine in Australia called LETTER FROM MELBOURNE. This is what Alastair Urquhart says of his visit to the UK in September...
At the Conservative Conference I was having a quiet coffee when I looked up to see a photographer about to capture my red socks, pinstripe suit and tie. When I said 'Good morning, I'm from Australia', he said 'I need a Tory image for my paper and this photo won't show the accent'.
Nothing like a good old stereotype, is there? Rumours that he wore sandals at the LibDem Conference and a cloth cap at Labour cannot be corroborated. :)


  1. The socks are a bit dangerous though.

  2. In tribute to his hero, Malcolm Muggeridge, Adrian Mole wore red socks...

  3. o/t but I see this weeks Tory punchbag on QT is no other than George Osbourne. Good performance required, He'll be up against al-beebs "balanced" panel and audience.

    No doubt I will end up putting a brick through the telly again, mind you the latest replacement should be slighty less expensive this time :)

    (if I can find a high street retailer that hasn't gone bust)

  4. Sorry to digress from the posting topic.
    James Forsyth in the Spectator CoffeeHouse says 'a big story is going to break tonight in the Tory World'. Any clue? Any Tory politico has done anything foolish?

  5. Red socks no knickers...

    Or was that shoes?
