Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Cicero's Songs on when blogs attack.
2. Bethan Jenkins AM is angry an blogs about MPs in denial about e-Democracy.
3. Conor Ryan on when every child doesn't matter.
4. Toby Harnden speculates on Republicans who may be in Obama's Cabinet.
5. Machiavelli the Prince on the lobbying firm said to be suing PR Week.
6. Tim Montgomerie launches another Tax exocet at Da Fink.
7. Fraser Nelson gives an eloquent analysis of today's PMQs.

More later. Perhaps.


  1. "In Sarah Palin's interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren Monday evening, she referred to bloggers as "kids in pajamas sitting in the basement of their parents' homes" spewing out mean and inaccurate things about her. Well, I am no kid, I am definitely not wearing pajames and I am living in my own house, thank you! And I am seriously depressed about the prospect of this person having a political future."

    The woman is an idiot.

  2. Chill out Canvas, she was only talking about Norfolk Blogger.

  3. Fraser Nelson has proved over and over that he is at the top of his profession.

  4. She is an idiot. There is no doubt. But perhaps not quite as thick as sometimes portrayed ....

  5. WW: You may well be right but there are professions and professions. I particularly like Fraser's analytical approach, eg he produces a numbered list of things that Cameron and Osborne have done right about economic policy. He produces a numbered list of fallacies in Darling's pronouncement on PSBR, etc, etc. Given the weasel words (Excuse I!), guesswork and mood music that pass for MSM political journalism (Fraser's boss, this means you), this is an absolute God-send.

    It is probably no coincidence that he numbered list is a technique also favoured by Niall Fergusson. Makes things easy to follow, at least for this bear of very little brain. People used to be well taught north of the border.

    Like the rest us, Fraser Nelson has, however, feet of clay. More by accident than design, my Spectators from just over a year ago are still kicking around G-mansions and my, how he used to big up Gordon Brown before all those banana skins. His more recently article about George Osborne - pre-Deripaska - spent an entire page rhapsodising about what marvellous dinner parties Georgie threw. Most serious networker in London blah blah. Even if the yacht thing had never happened, this wasn't exactly his finest journalistic hour.

    But, aside from these cavils, yes. We need serious journalists like him for serious times.

    WV: scabs

  6. Kev G. Yes, we have to allow that all of us get carried away by the moment but as you say, his technique is appealing, especially since it is difficult to hide equivocation; the way he sets out his stall is honest and reply friendly.

    Talking of which, John Major has written a competent piece for The Times today which seems to nail Brown with a few carefully placed facts.
