Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Sunday

1. Tory Diary reviews David Davis's appearance on Desert Island Discs. No Cliff Richard.
2. Labour MP Tom Harris doesn't think George Osborne is all bad.
3. Alix Mortimer on LibDem Voice on what we can do about Baby P.
4. Arch taxcutter Donal Blaney wonders if tax cuts are really the right way forward.
5. PoliticalBetting wonders what Russia is on the brink of.
6. Bob Piper praises George Osborne. Crikey.
7. Cranmer on the UN appointment of Saudi Arabia to lead the world on ... religious tolerance!
8. Ellee Seymour on whether Baby P's mother should be allowed to have more children.
9. John Redwood's short guide to the credit crunch.
10. Eric Pickles on the Blue Blog asks why Labour wants to abolish a successful Tory council.
11. New Humanist blog on censorship at Waterstone's.
12. Croydonian asks what the British ever did for India?


  1. Just thinking as I, very sadly, watch I'm a celebrity, that Brian Paddick has a slight touch of the Iain Dale Handsome Gene about him.

    *winks, suggestively at Iain*

  2. I think you are jumping the gun a bit with the "Waterstone's" thing.

    They are not censoring the book - it is still for sale. There appears to have been a problem [which I have been unable to independently verify] that the author was guilty of bad faith by corresponding with some far right race group, without mentioning this little chestnut to the bookshop.

    In such a situation, by being less than candid about this, Waterstones may well have wondered what other provocation he may have been hiding - and as a business do have a duty of care over their customers.

    There is more to come out on this, and I guess none of us, least of all myself, will judge until a more comprehensive view of this is available, when we can take a more circumspect view of the situation.

  3. Iain O/T - is there anyway to get your archive stuff?

  4. Yes, scroll down the middle column and you will find the archives.

  5. "Labour MP Tom Harris doesn't think George Osborne is all bad"

    Tom's not planning to join the government again soon, is he?

  6. The bombastically named "New Humanist Blog" is merely a collection of sour rants about religious nutters. Not exactly a difficult target. Great if you want to bury your head up your arse and mumble "nah, nah, nah, I'm not listening", but hardly worthy of mentioning here, especially since the story you headline (and since we are talking about made up stories this week)is bereft of any cogent facts.

  7. Muchos gracias senor.
